Danny Fye
August 22nd, 2015, 11:40 PM
I just recently did a clean install and I want to keep all of the Vegas settings including my special affects and all.
I know that one can use a paid software to do this, but I do not want to use a paid software. Funds are very tight right now.
So how does one do this and get all of the settings?
Jeff Harper
August 24th, 2015, 02:07 PM
Good question, I'd like the answer to this question also. I have always done everything from scratch in the past but these days I don't have time.
Jeff Harper
August 24th, 2015, 09:04 PM
Danny, how did you do your clean install? Did you do the download upgrade, and then make a disc and then do the clean install?
That's my understanding of how it's done, but I haven't really looked into it much.
Danny Fye
August 25th, 2015, 01:49 AM
I used the original DVD, installed to an extra hard drive and then spent hours updating.
Just for kicks, after I finally got done with all of the updates, I then cloned to another extra drive to backup the clean install and then upgraded to Windows 10.
Right now the windows 10 install is on hold because I have no audio. Sound Blaster is dragging their feet getting the latest drivers out.
If SB takes too long to get the drivers out and/or if the drivers are not so good then I will simply use Windows 7 Ultimate and forget about Windows 10. Also, if there are other problems using Windows 10.
The reason for the clean install is because my system was getting flaky and if I put any video on the timeline with a high bit rate, it can cause Vegas to crash. I am not sure yet if that is a software and/or hardware problem. I cannot find out until I get Vegas fully installed with all of my settings and filter packages.
Well, maybe I can figure things out without getting everything installed but if things still fail then I do not want to mess with it.
It is always good to have some extra hard drives available to do this. I am not about to mess with my current install until after I am 100% satisfied with the new install.
Jeremiah Rickert
August 25th, 2015, 09:37 PM
Where does Vegas store your settings? If it's just some kind of config file in the application data folder, in theory you could copy that folder.
I know that I wouldn't want to lose some of my motion graphics and color correction presets. :)
Juris Lielpeteris
August 25th, 2015, 10:36 PM
Some of settings are stored here:
1. c:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Sony\Vegas Pro\13.0\
2. <my documents>\Vegas Application Extensions\
3. <my documents>\OFX Presets\
4. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DXTransform\Presets
5. For migrating audio presets can be used Sony Preset Manager from here Sony Creative Software - Download: Utilities (http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/download/utilities)
Danny Fye
August 26th, 2015, 02:26 AM
I gave up...
I found a lot of settings in the users/roaming and whatever the rest of the path is. I tried Vegasaur but I then realized that with ALL of the junk that needs to be re-installed, the entire idea was becoming way too stressful and simply not worth it!!!
So I cloned-backup my current system and successfully upgraded it to Windows 10. To my total amazement! I have yet to finish testing it so I will update more later on. Hopefully Windows 10 will have cleaned-up some of the messes that I have made over time.
Windows 10 install dumped the Nvidia driver so I had to download the latest driver. This did not happen on the clean install of Windows 7. Whatever...
I just want to get this done and get back to editing.
Thanks to all for the replies!