View Full Version : Zoom H6 / Multi Track Problem

Steven Digges
August 19th, 2015, 03:12 PM
I am trying to use my H6 Multi Track computer interface function. I installed the latest drivers you need for that function on a new Windows 7 machine. When I turn on the H6 Windows says "unknown USB device detected, not installed properly". Adobe Audition does not recognize it.

It works in two track stereo mode and is recognized by Audion in that mode, but that runs off of a different driver.

I can see the Zoom muti track drivers in control panel. They are the new version 2.

I know there are a lot of Zoom users here. Did anyone else go through this? Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Steven Digges
August 19th, 2015, 10:57 PM
Issue Resolved.

Richard Crowley
August 27th, 2015, 07:18 PM
It would be helpful to reveal the solution here so that people searching for this problem will see how you fixed it.

Steven Digges
August 27th, 2015, 10:41 PM
Hi Richard,

Your right. I had not done that yet because when time permits I am going to start a new thread about what I have discovered with this device through some recent heavy duty testing. It is not going to be the same glowing report that is commonly out there on the internet about the H6. I was going to include it in that post.

This is what I think was my installation problem of the multi-track interface was:

It was not a problem with the Zoom or its driver. It turned out to be a Windows 7 pro issue. I installed the Zoom driver as directed. Then when I activated the H6 I believe Windows was immediately hooking it up to one of the Windows generic drivers for what it thought was the correct driver for such a USB device before it discovered the proper driver for the Zoom. Therefor I was getting an error message and of course the Zoom would not work because Windows was installing the wrong driver. Once I figured this out the solution was to completely uninstall the driver Windows was installing, reinstall the Zoom driver for a clean start, and then start the device. That gave Windows the opportunity to find the proper driver and all was well. Incidentally, there was also something strange going on. When the wrong driver was installed device manager would not let me direct it to the proper driver by selecting that option. Device manager would continually tell me I had the best driver installed and would not let me use the manual selection option. Therefor uninstalling the Windows generic driver manually was the fix.

I had to spend some time figuring that out. I do not turn to this forum right away for every issue I deal with. I figure them out myself. If someone else has installation problems I hope they find this. I try to be as helpful as I can.

Kind Regards,
