John De Rienzo
August 11th, 2015, 12:34 PM
Does anyone know the button combination to access the FS100 service menu? I have a dead pixel which I need to get rid of and hoping to fix it myself through the service menu before sending it in for service.
As a side note, it is not a hot or stuck pixel (red,green,blue or white) which shows up further when camera warms up or gain is raised, but a constant black(dead) pixel which is permanently there, just off centre of screen.
No amount of black balances fixes the problem.
Any advice re-above would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Christopher Young
August 12th, 2015, 10:12 PM
I seem to recall reading somewhere that with the FS100 it was turn the camera on and leave it on for about and hour and then do five or six black balances in rapid succession one after the other. No personal experience with the process though.
I know for sure having done it that on a lot of the Sony three chip cameras you just hold the black balance button down for ten seconds and that would initiate a deep black balance and masking process that would fix problem pixels at the same time. Seems to work okay until the masking register runs out of memory.
Chris Young
CYV Productions
John De Rienzo
December 28th, 2015, 04:41 PM
Hi Christopher, thank you for your response. I have tried many things including multiple black balances to remove the black pixel to no avail.
If someone can help would really appreciate. There must be a service menu for the FS100 which would allow me to mask this pixel but what is the procedure to gain access to it. I have searched online and found no information. Here is a still showing the black pixel.
Many thanks.
Christopher Young
December 28th, 2015, 09:16 PM
John ~
I guess another thing you could try is the process that is reported to work on the A7s. If you dig around on Google there are reports saying put date forward by two months turn the camera back on. The procedure is outlined in the video link below. In the video the guy says one month but I have read that it depends on when the date the program masking circuit is set to activate. Don't fully understand what that means but it is said that two months advanced date is the trick. I don't know if this will work but I guess it's worth a try.
A7s Dead Pixel Fix - YouTube
It may not work as this string of DVInfo posts indicate it needs a service fix. Check the last post.
Chris Young
CYV Productions