View Full Version : Sony Content Browser Mobile. iPhone, PXW-X70 not working

Craig Seeman
August 10th, 2015, 10:00 AM
iPhone 6, iOS 8.4
Sony PXW-x70 is on Firmware 2.0

In iOS Settings I have no problem seeing the PXW-X70 SSID and have no problem entering the password as seen on the camera. The iPhone appears to connect.

I open CBM on the screen that says Connect on the top.
I select Search and it says Device Not Found.

I noticed only a few reviews in the iTunes App Store, all one star with similar problems specific to the X70 around October/November last year.

I emailed Sony tech support but would love to hear if anyone has gotten this to work on iPhone specifically.

Paul Hardy
August 10th, 2015, 10:44 AM
Unhelpful answer of the day............

Works fine for me!

iPhone 6
iOS 8.4
X70 v2
CBM v2.0.1

Craig Seeman
August 10th, 2015, 12:26 PM
Please 'splain. Perhaps I'm missing something.
It definitely works to the point of connection in iPhone settings. Just not in CBM.
Perhaps something I'm not doing in the x70.

Craig Seeman
August 10th, 2015, 12:42 PM
You know it just started working because you posted that.

I tried once again and it failed.
I then tried again but had the phone behind the camera instead of off to one side and it worked. It may have needed line of site to wherever it's internal wifi device is.

Thanks for motivating me to keep trying.