View Full Version : SPN file how open

Steve Bleasdale
August 10th, 2015, 02:19 AM
Hey guys never come across this one, i just done a wedding in Greece and the owner of the venue had a go pro quad and took some footage and sent me the footage to use on DVD discs, when i open the files they are in a SPN file and windows media or quick time or vc and anything else wont open the files. Are they video files how do i open if they are. Do you think he has made a mistake and the video file is not there.I am on CS6. Steve

Dave Farrants
August 10th, 2015, 02:43 AM
Never come across that one but my 'go to' app for any strange file format is File Juicer - there is a trial but website seems to be down ATM.

Chris Harding
August 10th, 2015, 02:51 AM
Hi Steve

SPN files are made by Corel and used as a container for the old Word Perfect word processor and contain PNG image files not video .. Unless things have changed and someone else is using them now for video?

However Roxio use SPN files for projects but they should still also have video files too....Maybe Roxio will open the project files?? Are they large enough files to contain video??

Good luck I'm lost as I have only ever seen these associated with Roxio editor many years ago and are usually bundled with VOB files or similar

Steve Bleasdale
August 10th, 2015, 02:53 AM
Chris there is a file saying about roxio next to the video file, maybe i download roxio and it will open it. Thanks Dave , Chris

Steve Bleasdale
August 10th, 2015, 02:57 AM
It looks like he has done it in a mac pro via toast roxio? Mmm not paying for roxio will never use it. Will contact him to just send via drop box?

Roger Gunkel
August 10th, 2015, 07:57 AM
Steve, have you tried copying the file and changing the suffix to something other than SPN, such as MP4 or avi etc. I have had success with other odd suffixes by changing them.


Steve Bleasdale
August 10th, 2015, 01:17 PM
Thanks Roger will try, head hurting trying and the guy not in touch with me yet.

Steve Bleasdale
August 11th, 2015, 10:35 AM
Dave Farrants sorted me out the three discs from footage from Greece was an a spanned file system and Dave gave me a link to sort it out. What a great forum this is..