Heiner Boeck
August 10th, 2015, 01:25 AM
Hoodman Loupe viewfinder
Does anybody have an experience with this new "thing":
Hoodman H305KP Kit, HoodLoupe 3.0 Loupe, Teradrop Eyecup, HoodRiser, Strap H305KP (http://www.adorama.com/HNH305KP.html)
Might be interesting for my Canon XA20. But is it worth its money?
Chris Harding
August 10th, 2015, 02:57 AM
I used the Sony EX1 kit on my Panasonic AC-130 LCD's a few years ago .. it seemed to work OK but the vinyl strap that wraps around the LCD and uses Velcro never seemed to be tight enough and the strap was always slipping. Also be careful with your LCD ...The weight of the loupe tends to cause the LCD to drop on it's hinge so you might have to try and support it however otherwise it could damage the LCD hinge! I made a bracket off the camera with a little crane that took the weight of the loupe at the eyecup end.
Dave Baker
August 10th, 2015, 03:55 AM
I bought one a few years back for my 60D. The strap Chris refers to was too big to fit properly, I had to get it cut down to make it tight. But then it made the LCD into a very useful EVF, since the camera doesn't have a touch screen or any other video viewfinder.
Similar to what Chris said, the weight if the loupe causes the LCD to rotate back to the vertical stop unless it is rotated far enough so the hinge can hold it, although I didn't see the need for extra support.
Jim Andrada
August 10th, 2015, 09:52 AM
I have a similar unit from Zacuto for my C-100 and they have a metal top strap that attaches to the camera and supports the viewer so there's no extra weight on the viewfinder hinge and it stays where you put it - of course the support is camera specific and not exactly free.
Robin Davies-Rollinson
August 10th, 2015, 09:58 AM
I use the one designed for the Canon XF305. It's been a blessing whilst filming in bright sunshine.
There is a tendency for the weight to cause the LED to rotate, but I easily fixed that by using a rubber loop around the eyepiece and the accessory shoe.
All in all, I wouldn't be without it.
Heiner Boeck
August 11th, 2015, 09:42 AM
Thanx for all your useful info. Very helpful.
Ciao: Heiner/FIN