Ed Kukla
August 9th, 2015, 07:00 AM
Looking at cloud storage for archiving media.
Which services will work best for uploading raw video, finished videos and stills? Looking at dropbox, amazon, google and a few others.
Will need access for 2 people using both pc and mac computers.
For this situation, I think a terabyte will suffice altho there are some that offer unlimited space like amazon.
I have not yet stored anything in the cloud so I'm not familiar with use. I have sent files with dropbox.
Jim Andrada
August 9th, 2015, 12:23 PM
Not sure what your criteria for "best" is, but I use Dropbox to store all my still photos - since I scan up to 8 x 10 inch film the files are often close to 1 GB. I'd like to store my videos there too, but since one concert with 6 - 8 cameras can produce a terabyte or more it isn't so practical to upload the files.
In any case, uploading is the problem - you'll almost certainly have to pay for extra data transmission. It's also pretty slow - I've had a half Terabyte take several days and I have 350Mb/Sec down, 60Mb/s up service.
Even GB speed services will take a long time.
So practically I think you'd have to find a cloud service that let you send the media by FedEx or something. I actually work with products that are intended for backup and archive applications and as we say, an overnight truckload of tape cartridges has higher bandwidth than anything else you're likely to find.
I use something called Boxifier with Dropbox - it lets you sync multiple folders on multiple drives so you don't need a single hard drive as large as your cloud space.
Ed Kukla
August 9th, 2015, 12:30 PM
Everything I have for this particular situation will be well under a terabyte. Probably a half terabyte. No extreme urgency in uploading everything pronto. I can schedule uploads overnite of folders with 5 to 10 gb at a time.
Jim Andrada
August 9th, 2015, 07:31 PM
In that case I'm not sure it matters that much which service you use.