View Full Version : Nle

Daniel Ridicki
July 26th, 2015, 09:56 PM
At the outset, let me assure you I am not into starting any kind of NLE software war her, but for some time I am quite puzzled with appearance of few relatively new NLE options. Three of them, to be more precise. I am not going to mention what are they, just to prevent discussion from going where I have not intended.
So this is my problem. I edit on one of two big software that pioneered computer based editing. I am quite happy with it, but I do have some stability issues I would wish to get rid of. The other "big" name product I find not suitable for what I do. So, I started browsing to see what else is there. Came across three "new" NLE tools, downloaded them all and tested.
What really surprised me is that all of them look great, but features are so limited that I wander how is it possible to edit professionally by using these particular products. First of all, none of them pay any attention to audio tools and options. You can change volume, sometimes pan, and that is it. So, an audio editor is required to complete the job. Which means export, import.... Hmmm.
One of these software does support JKL command???? No way to play backwards. How? Why? Like, I know they want to be different, but being different by abandoning most common command all of us are used to? really?
Let's not go further now, I guess you understand why am I surprised. Now, what makes me wander is: how do that expect to fight for their share of marked sending out there products that are (to be kind) half baked, as oppose to the "big" two? Am I missing something? I mean, should not they give me at least what the "big" NLEs are offering, to consider switching over to them? Any opinion?

Noa Put
July 27th, 2015, 01:05 AM
How do you expect anyone to give their opinion if you don't mention what NLE's you are talking about.

Brian Drysdale
July 27th, 2015, 05:39 AM
Hard to know how to react in that each NLE has its strengths and weakness. It really comes down to the type of work you and the environment you're working in. Individual editors have their own way of taking in the content, sorting the material and then editing it. Some NLEs favour short form over long form, others graphics over narrative.

There is a debate over how much of a Swiss Army knife a NLE becomes. At which point do you move over to specialist software for effects, audio and colour correction, so that the NLE doesn't become bloated and the basic functions slower to use.

Daniel Ridicki
July 27th, 2015, 06:11 AM
It is a valid point. For what I do, I want to be able to finish my work completely. Therefore I find these three editing software lacking what I need to complete what I am editing. using any one of them, I would have to send my audio, graphics and grading to be done elsewhere. So simply - these three are obviously not meant for users like me. Still, not supporting JKL, I find that strange. Thank you for your reply.

Daniel Ridicki
July 27th, 2015, 06:14 AM
How do you expect anyone to give their opinion if you don't mention what NLE's you are talking about.

You are right. My concern was that almost as a rule discussing NLE becomes useless war of devotees. I didn't want to start one. I was referring to HIT 3, Lightworks and Resolve (I know it is first and foremost grading tool).

Jim Andrada
July 28th, 2015, 02:10 PM
Resolve V 12 is becoming more than a grading tool. Whether this is good or bad I can't say (yet) until I try it.

Gary Huff
July 28th, 2015, 02:19 PM
I think the term "Non-Linear Editor" is archaic. Show me an editor currently in use in any significant number that isn't non-linear! It's like saying FWC...four-wheeled car.

Brian Drysdale
July 28th, 2015, 03:53 PM
Thought FWC is the Florida Fish* and Wildlife Conservation Commission or is it the Federation for Window Cleaners? I guess NLE is the term because that's the method used and so fills the brief.

According to Wikipedia.

"The term "nonlinear editing" or "non-linear editing" was formalized in 1991 with the publication of Michael Rubin's Nonlinear: A Guide to Digital Film and Video Editing (Triad, 1991)—which popularized this terminology over other language common at the time, including "real time" editing, "random-access" or "RA" editing, "virtual" editing, "electronic film" editing, and so on. The handbook has remained in print since 1991, currently in its 4th edition"

*Guess those fish don't count nor one of the Cs but that seems to be the abbreviation used.

Bryan Cantwell
July 29th, 2015, 10:11 AM
I edit on one of two big software that pioneered computer based editing. I am quite happy with it, but I do have some stability issues I would wish to get rid of. The other "big" name product I find not suitable for what I do. ..... Any opinion?

I'm assuming you're talking about Avid and Premiere Pro?

Or Final Cut Pro and Sony Vegas Pro?

Or Smoke, Edius, Pinnacle, or Corel?

There are more than two "first tier" NLE programs, and they'll all do what you seem to want.

Is there a reason (other than cost, of course) that you're looking at these other programs that don't have full NLE feature sets, and trying to shoehorn your work into them?

Noa Put
July 29th, 2015, 11:24 AM
He was referring to HIT 3, Lightworks and Resolve

Brian Drysdale
July 29th, 2015, 01:36 PM
I should say that Lightworks isn't new, it's one of the original two (the other being AVID).

Daniel Ridicki
July 30th, 2015, 05:19 AM
I'm assuming you're talking about Avid and Premiere Pro?

Or Final Cut Pro and Sony Vegas Pro?

Or Smoke, Edius, Pinnacle, or Corel?

There are more than two "first tier" NLE programs, and they'll all do what you seem to want.

Is there a reason (other than cost, of course) that you're looking at these other programs that don't have full NLE feature sets, and trying to shoehorn your work into them?

Yes, I was talking about Premiere and Avid. I was a Final Cut guy but could not accept the X version and migrated to PP. As wrong as I might be, I believe that PP and Avid are on top of the chain. Again, I accept it is my belief and not necessarily truth.

The reason for me looking for other options is that PP export is giving me problems. It randomly brakes during export and I can not find the reason. Other that that, it perfectly suits me.

Paul R Johnson
July 30th, 2015, 05:57 AM
The trouble is that so much software is now 20-25 years on from it's first incarnations, and the features get added bit by bit, taking them in new directions, but gently.

I don't miss JKL, because I've never heard of it! Adobe does what I need in everything apart from audio - and because I grew up on other software, I just don't like audition.

If you fancy a different editor now, nobody really bothers. We're all different.

Brian Drysdale
July 30th, 2015, 06:18 AM
J,K,L are the keyboard commands for play reverse, stop and play forward. These are pretty near standard on professional NLEs.

There is wide range editors available, it's a matter of selecting one that works for you and the environment in which you work, However, you can't always tell this from just looking at the basic specifications.

Have you tried pinning down why Premiere breaks during your export?

Dave Baker
July 30th, 2015, 06:25 AM
Never heard of JKL?

FYI Paul, J runs the video in reverse, L runs it forwards and K stops it. Two taps on J or L double the speed, three taps triple it. Handy, but there are other ways as you will know.


Bryan Cantwell
July 30th, 2015, 08:13 AM
He was referring to HIT 3, Lightworks and Resolve

I know!

I was just pointing out that there are more than 2 NLEs out there, and trying to find out what he was having problems with.

Bryan Cantwell
July 30th, 2015, 08:14 AM
The reason for me looking for other options is that PP export is giving me problems. It randomly brakes during export and I can not find the reason. Other that that, it perfectly suits me.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?

Daniel Ridicki
July 30th, 2015, 10:34 PM
Yes, it was the first thing I did. I even reinstalled entire OS and started from zero. So, it is just one of those things... Thank you for your input.

Daniel Ridicki
July 30th, 2015, 10:37 PM
I just wanted to have other people opinion regarding my dilemma. Anyway, thanks for inputs.

Brian Drysdale
July 31st, 2015, 12:58 AM
I suspect all NLEs can run into exporting issues from time to time. Is there a particular codec that causes a problem?

Daniel Ridicki
August 3rd, 2015, 12:00 AM
No. It happens with different codecs.But what puzzles me is that is started only some 6 months ago, and did not have that problem before. I am thinking of a fresh installation and not installing third parties plugins I am using as I suspect the problem might be somewhere there.

John Wiley
August 5th, 2015, 08:35 PM
I don't miss JKL, because I've never heard of it! Adobe does what I need in everything apart from audio - and because I grew up on other software, I just don't like audition.

Are you currently using Adobe or have you moved elsewhere? Because JKL has always been standard in Premiere. Like I/O it's one of the few commands that seems to be pretty universal across the board.

Daniel Ridicki
August 10th, 2015, 10:45 AM
Just to conclude this: I reinstalled (again) Premiere but this time I did not install third party plugins, and - it worked. No more crushes at export. problem solved. I suspected this for a while anyway. Thanks for inputs.