Larry Secrest
July 21st, 2015, 05:43 AM
I've used Cineform codec since Neo HDV when I used to transcode footage from my XH-A1.
I'm wondering if there is a way to convert footage from the Samsung NX1 into some cineform codec and if not, is it going to happen soon?
Also, what are my option with a black magic cam?
I'm exclusively pc based and I assume I can't deal with ProRes on a PC.
What would be the best option for me to treat footage from a black magic cam with Cineform?
Am I bound to shoot raw then transcode into Cineform or is there another way?
Carlo Macchiavello
July 22nd, 2015, 09:28 AM
h265 to cineform
every tool can read h265 and write with Os codec can do that.
if virtual dub with additional importer can, you can. If media encoder read H265 can encode in cineform natively.
bmc & cineform
better marriage is Raw4pro utility that allow you to create a raw video file in cineform raw codec.
Ian Lewis
July 23rd, 2015, 01:54 AM
Apple provide a free ProRes decoder for PC. I use Blackmagic Pocket Camera with Premiere Pro CC on a PC and have no trouble with its ProRes 422 files. I also work with a Mac-based colleague who sends me ProRes files and they're also fine. If you're shooting Raw then, yes, Raw4Pro is brilliant.
There are ways of creating ProRes on the PC (for example, but you probably don't need to, since you can always output to a Cineform master
Larry Secrest
July 24th, 2015, 11:00 AM
Carlo and Ian,
Carlo Macchiavello
July 25th, 2015, 02:47 AM
I miss to tell you that raw4pro can also export in prores under windows. :-D
i met problem of offloading and manage footage in dng, since two years ago, from when raw4pro is out all my problems are solved, and more. Actually raw4pro is a solution for :
- offload and backup on set (with precision check).
- dailies and DI cineform raw
- prores and dnxhd proxy
- ettr compensation during creation of proxy
- application of lut to your footage
is a DiT and a Indie Tools with great value for a low price.
Norman Black
August 3rd, 2015, 10:14 AM
every tool can read h265 and write with Os codec can do that.
Not technically true. There is no "OS codec" on Windows. On Mac you can effectively say Quicktime is the OS codec.
On Windows we have multiple possible codec subsystems and they are independent.
The ancient Video for Windows (AVI files only)
MediaFoundation (Windows 7+)
Just be pedantic one can throw Quicktime into the mix here.
Install a DirectShow codec and any app using Video for Windows will not be able to use it.