Steven Digges
July 10th, 2015, 12:26 PM
Does anyone know of a consumer grade easy to use editing software I can recommend to clients to do their own basic stuff. Something like Premier Elements but here is the catch, it needs to have a keyer for green screen. Elements and some others can't pull a key because that is not a basic function. I need to be able to recommend for Mac and PC users.
Thanks guys, I just don't know what is out there on the low end side.
Steve Game
July 10th, 2015, 01:54 PM
Powert Director and Magix I think both have basic CSO facilities.
Tim Kolb
July 10th, 2015, 03:16 PM
Pinnacle Studio has keying capabilities and works with most formats.
Roger Gunkel
July 10th, 2015, 05:23 PM
Magix Movie Edit 2015 has Chroma key facilities in addition to all the other basic and fairly advanced features that they may find they need. MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2015 - All Features (
I used Movie Edit in various forms for several years and still use Magix ProX7 as my main editing programme.
Battle Vaughan
July 11th, 2015, 01:13 PM
Maybe I'm missing something, but Premiere Elements has several ways of keying built-in, (Including green screen, blue screen, chroma, etc. and a sort of automatic mode called Videomerge as well). Here's page from the on-line help files and an on-line tutorial: Green Screen Tutorial - Adobe Premiere Elements 12 - YouTube
Steven Digges
July 11th, 2015, 11:49 PM
Thank you so much. I looked at the specs for Premier Elements on three different sites and could find no mention of keying at all. Premiere Elements would be my first choice of recommendations for what I am working on. It will be perfect for the clients I am working with, unless they decide to take the handycam crowd to the cloud too. Thank You!
Thanks to everyone else that replied!
Battle Vaughan
July 12th, 2015, 12:49 PM
Hope it works out for you. Several years ago I was involved in training reporters to edit simple videos and we chose Premiere Elements for the job, it's remarkably comprehensive for entry-level software, but very user friendly, easy to teach, and has good on-line help files. Usually can be found packaged with Photoshop Elements at a discount, by the way. Best wishes!