View Full Version : Sony PXW-X180 Pro's and Con's Review

Rob Hargreaves
July 9th, 2015, 03:50 PM
Finally got the final review on the series of Sony handheld ENG cameras up:

Dave Sperling
July 9th, 2015, 09:02 PM
Nicely done!

Of course here are a few small suggestions for additions:

Pros --
Variable ND filter option - makes it easy to fine tune degree of ND - or to change degree of ND while shooting without the 'filter wheel' effect.
Gains can be set to 'soft-adjust' - again convenient if changing lighting conditions occur and you need to add gain - without the 'exposure bump' when it happens.
Dual card record option

Cons --
Heat & Power -- camera generates quite a bit of heat, and goes through batteries more quickly than the older EX cameras.

Other info --
Power input - you mention that it's suggested not to use the charger as the AC power source. They're completely different voltages! (and different plugs). Power is same as the VAIO computer.
Remember to use a heavier tripod if you're doing a lot at the long end of the zoom! At 25x every camera jiggle is that much more noticeable!

Rob Hargreaves
July 10th, 2015, 08:08 AM
Thanks Dave, it certainly goes through batteries quickly!
What do you mean by gains can be set to soft-adjust?

Ron Evans
July 10th, 2015, 10:35 AM
Just like my NX5U there is a setting in menu to soft switch gain. When you move the gain switches it will then gradually move to the new setting rather than straight switch to the new setting which would be very noticeable. Very important if you have to switch gain while recording. Will not buy another camera without soft gain switching.

Ron Evans

Rob Hargreaves
July 10th, 2015, 03:26 PM
Ah I know that as shockless gain - yes very useful!
Same as shockless white balance - smooth change!

Paul Anderegg
July 11th, 2015, 10:09 PM
I would like shockless zoom, so that when i zoom, my camera doesn't snap in and out of focus....... :)

My X180 arrived at Sony for service, hopefully, i can post a positive update on the focus and infinity stop issues.
