View Full Version : X180/X200 live streaming

Paul Anderegg
July 4th, 2015, 11:41 PM
I use the live streaming function EVERY TIME my camera is turned on. I have a Verizon 4G LTE modem (UML290) poking out of the top rear of my X180, streaming whenever the camera is turned on. I tried for one night last week using the internal WiFi, which allowed the camera to have one less protrusion, and I always have a 4G XLTE 30Mbps HotSpot pushing out of my phone on my person to supply the camera with internet.

The problem with the included WiFi, is that it is 2.4Ghz ONLY. My phone pumps out Bluetooth also, and microwave trucks also push 2.4Ghz all over the place. My one night test was a complete failure. You basically have to hold the hone or device against the side of the WiFi door to even get a few bars of signal, and any I could never get more than a blip or two of video to show up on the Teradek receiver in 2.4Ghz. This is not a Sony only problem, the same issue exists with the JVC HM650's at my station, which are also 2.4GHz only. They were tested, and due to the almost non existence ability to maintain a solid HotSpot connection, were rendered unusable.

Sony now is releasing (soon) the CBK-WA02. This is a 2.4/5Ghz WiFi adaptor, that comes with the rear 1/4"-20 4G modem mounting solution as well, sans the LAN Ethernet dongle. That 5Ghz option will be a HUGE benefit to anyone who doesn't have a 4G modem to jack into the camera. Don't have the pricing yet, but the Sony site said that there will be a new X180 firmware push in September 2015 to provide compatibility with this new WiFi device.

What I really want Sony to do is add additional 4G modems to the cameras! Currently, they ONLY support 2 old LTE versions, which in my town max out at 16Mbps. The new XLTE Verizon modems and service will do 30-35Mbps. When I say will do, tat means that is what tells me I am getting on my XLTE phone and UML295 modems. XLTE, like the flux capacitor, is what will make reliable 2Mbps 720p live streaming from a single modem possible. :-)


Rob Hargreaves
July 5th, 2015, 03:01 PM
This is interesting and in typical Sony fashion, it's not clear (at least to me) whether the CBK-WA02 (CBKWA02) : Product Overview : United Kingdom : Sony Professional ( includes the wifi module. I assume you'd always need to purchase the 3G/4G/LTE modem dongle?

Paul Anderegg
July 5th, 2015, 08:17 PM
The WA02 pretty much IS the new longer WiFi module. It requires the older 4G style modem handle attachment (included) because the base is to wide to allow it to fit into the USB slot on top of our cameras.

I don't need a hard wire LAN jack, but I could use the 5GHz WiFi, so because this kit is cheaper, and can be used with my 4G modem, I like it! :)


Paul Anderegg
August 16th, 2015, 03:30 AM
Here is what the new unit looks like with the 5Ghz WiFi module.


Rob Hargreaves
August 17th, 2015, 06:59 AM
So its working well for you?
Trying to think if I can use it somehow....

Paul Anderegg
August 19th, 2015, 12:14 AM
It hasn't been released yet, I just found a picture of it on an X180. There is a planned firmware update for Autumn (Oct-Dec) 2015 which will include network updates for the new WiFi module, as well as 8K 14 bit 4:4:4 XAVC-i :-)

I am "ok" with the X180 live streaming. The main issue I am having is that Sony will only enable the camera to operate with 1st generation LTE Verizon (Cali-USA) which can only be found on eBay used. The second generation XLTE and newest 3rd generation XLTE (XLTE = 3Mbps upload, LTE is only 1.5Mbps) will not work with the Sony cameras. JVC's don't suffer this problem.
