View Full Version : difficulty in getting fade

Renton Maclachlan
July 3rd, 2015, 03:28 AM
Sometimes, depending on how expanded vertically a track is, or whether or not an envelope (composite) is on the top of the track, it is difficult to get the fade emblem to come up by hovering over the top end corner of the track.

Is there some way to easily bring this up, say by using a keystroke in conjunction with hovering over the critical spot?

Graham Bernard
July 3rd, 2015, 11:55 PM
Sometimes, . . it is difficult to get the fade emblem to come up by hovering over the top end corner of the track. Yes, mind-numbingly frustrating.

Is there some way to easily bring this up, say by using a keystroke in conjunction with hovering over the critical spot?


However . . . . make sure "Quantize to Frames" is turned on to ensure that the Event ends on a Frame. SONY has really improved various Graphical element of the Workspace. Now, I'm not saying that this infuriating item HAS been improved, but you may wish to consider that maybe the latest, recent Update or Upgrade is the best it IS going to be - yeah?

What can I say . . . ?


Renton Maclachlan
July 6th, 2015, 12:12 AM
Thanks Graham. I've found I have to expand the track vertically so it is big...and if there is an envelope at/near the top, move it down, make my fade then reinstate the envelope, and reduce track size...

It would be nice if the fade selection was more straightforward...

I wouldn't know if I have 'quantized to frames' on or not. I've never consciously switched it on or off (actually don't know where to find it) and have managed OK since v6, whatever my setting is... :-)

David Johns
July 7th, 2015, 09:40 AM
Surely just briefly hide the envelopes (there's a keystroke for this that I can't remember offhand), grab the fade edge (which I've never had a problem grabbing if there's nothing in the way) and re-view the envelopes once moved?


Mike Kujbida
July 7th, 2015, 12:19 PM
Renton, I've been using a fade in/out script that was written by Edward Troxel some time ago.
What I like is that all I have to do is click the event to highlight it and run the appropriate script. I use it a lot on titles.
I modified the basic one to give me fade in, fade out, and fade in & out versions for 1/2 sec. and 1 sec.
I zipped all six into one folder and put them up on my Dropbox account if you're interested.

Renton Maclachlan
July 7th, 2015, 03:22 PM
Thanks Mike. I don't use fades that often and they vary when I do so I'm not looking to automate them. If that need arose it would be good to use your script.

David's way seems to be more what I'm after. 'View > Show Envelopes' or 'Ctrl+Shift+E', hides and shows envelopes pretty easily...

Thanks again

Mike Kujbida
July 8th, 2015, 06:43 AM
No problem Renton. Glad that you found a solution that works for you.