View Full Version : Editing of Speeches/Dances/In Betweens

David Barnett
July 1st, 2015, 06:50 AM
How much do you all trim up the in between stuff during introductions, speeches, first dance etc when they all happen consecutively, yet there's alot of fubling around for microphones, saying "Test Test", Mom or Dad taking a while to come up etc.

I had an outdoor wedding where the highlight trailer came out good, sorta eclectic, however now watching the full cut I can admit (to my own fault) alot of its looking Uncle Bob-ish. There was a bit of hooting & stalling, 'Test test' mic wasn't working etc. Do you all dissolve that out?

One factor was it was mixed light outside (sun, then clouds, around 7pm) and I was shooting on an angle so it was partially outside, yet partially the wall of the pavillion it was under. I balanced for the indoor pavillion, but the outside seems very bright too. Admittedly when fully outdoors I typically shoot auto, but couldn't in the case. I didn't want to face the wall straight on, because that would've blocked alot of the guests views, and thats a dilemna I struggle with, I never try to plop down right in front of guests, however I think I should be a little more assertive. Also using 2 cams for the dances/toasts etc, but its a challenge sometime plus alot more editing time. Although this is probably why people charge higher rates, because its alot more work both the day of, but moreso in editing.

ETA: I go with long form docs, though I'm seeing the benefit to offering & couples receiving more of a short form 20+ minute delivery. On the bright side I realized I could start asking questions about how long/short they want it, and how much reception footage they'd like (more/less - more being a little more tacky & drawn out, short form being prettier & more concise, yet less footage). Only drawback would be answering why they can't have it both ways and thinking someone else can give them that.

Roger Gunkel
July 1st, 2015, 07:11 AM
Trimming up the In between bits really depends on whether any of it is amusing of just plain faffing about. If the latter, it gets taken out.

Using two cameras for speeches and dances, doesn't take much longer if you plan it properly. For example, if you are taking lots of short shots with two cameras, then matching them up and editing between them will be time consuming. Filming with two cameras continuously, means simply synchronising the audio on both at the editing stage, then either using multi cam editing and doing a live mix in real time, or dragging clips from the second camera over the first, which I find quick and easy. I often have a third camera up high getting an overview, and again either use the multi camera edit or just drag and drop.

So there is some extra editing time involved but not very much in my opinion.


Chris Harding
July 1st, 2015, 07:58 AM
I'm much the same .. when the MC walks up to the mic I hit record and if it goes flawlessly I keep all the footage and just do a top and tail ... I'll leave in stuff like "Oops I think I need my glasses to read this" as it's part of the day but as Roger says faffing around and deciding how to turn the mic switch on gets left out so the speeches appear as professional as possible. When the speaker suddenly realises he/she has to do a toast and their glass is sitting on the table I will cut to my b-cam footage and follow them as they go and retrieve the glass. The most common deleted bits still appear to be hand held mic issues and that darn mic switch so in those cases once they have finally tried it three times and then had to walk back to the DJ desk for assistance I will start that one when they actually start making the speech

Noa Put
July 1st, 2015, 08:11 AM
How much do you all trim up the in between stuff during introductions, speeches, first dance etc when they all happen consecutively, yet there's alot of fubling around for microphones, saying "Test Test", Mom or Dad taking a while to come up etc.

How do you do it now then, do you just let the camera roll in between speeches and don't cut at all on the timeline? Why are you not cutting out the "test test" parts and the waiting parts before mom and dad reach the mike, I always thought that was what "editing" was all about, you take out the boring non relevant stuff, I can't imagine why anyone would leave that part in and if a bride would complain afterwards saying; why did you cut out the part where we had to wait 5 minutes for mum to return from the toilet? :)

Oren Arieli
July 1st, 2015, 08:13 AM
Editing is as much about what you cut out than what you leave in. If you ever watch a tv show and there is a scene that drags on too long, or doesn't seem to move the story forward, that is usually attributed to bad editing. Cut whatever you think is a time waster. People rarely notice what has been left out, but they can't fail to notice what was included.
Two cameras are very helpful during the toasts, but if you're not ready to commit just yet, make sure you get some cutaway table shots of guests looking in the direction of the toasts. Two shots, single shots, anything where you don't see people chowing down. Many times, you can get these shots while the DJ is making some announcement, or something is going on up front that doesn't require you to capture (just yet). These make nice emergency cutaways and cover shots when you need them.
Finally, as a resolution to people switching off the mic, carry some black cloth tape with you, even if it's just a small strip you attached to your tripod in advance. Cover that pesky switch until the mic is handed back to the DJ. Problem solved.

Noa Put
July 1st, 2015, 08:36 AM
Finally, as a resolution to people switching off the mic

I am always intrigued that when people are given a handheld mike, it's like second nature to go after the on/off switch, and I always wanted to know why they do that. :)

David Barnett
July 1st, 2015, 08:49 AM
How do you do it now then, do you just let the camera roll in between speeches and don't cut at all on the timeline? Why are you not cutting out the "test test" parts and the waiting parts before mom and dad reach the mike, I always thought that was what "editing" was all about, you take out the boring non relevant stuff, I can't imagine why anyone would leave that part in and if a bride would complain afterwards saying; why did you cut out the part where we had to wait 5 minutes for mum to return from the toilet? :)

Well it isn't quite 5 minutes. I'm talking the ones where it's supposedly bang/bang./bang, but it turns into bang/30 seconds/bang/20 seconds/bang.

As to editing, I edit the bridal prep, portrait sessions, reception etc. But again when it's about 8-10 minutes total for entrances, dances & speeches typically I would leave it uncut. Plus, I feel like they like to hear the announcement "Here's the maid of honor, the brides sister, Lisa". But then it takes her 15-20 seconds to walk up, and yeah they have the mic issue leads to another 20 seconds. That's where I suppose using the 2nd cam would help during this with a cutaway to the B&G closeup on Cam 2 I guess.

Noa Put
July 1st, 2015, 08:59 AM
I feel like they like to hear the announcement "Here's the maid of honor, the brides sister, Lisa". But then it takes her 15-20 seconds to walk up, and yeah they have the mic issue leads to another 20 seconds. That's where I suppose using the 2nd cam would help during this with a cutaway to the B&G closeup on Cam 2 I guess.

What would happen if you cut our the 15-20 second walk to the mike? Is there something happening at that point, other then a person walking from point a to point b? I"m trying to understand why you find it important not to take that part out, if you would have a live show broadcasted to a million people and something goes wrong, they have to fill this time with shots from another camera or have the host start talking again until they fix any technical problems, they can't cut it out because it's live. But you deliver a edited product afterwards so you have all the control, why do you find it important to leave those waiting parts in?

Michael Liebergot
July 1st, 2015, 09:18 AM
Me edits are pretty much straight cuts with very few, if any dissolves or cross fades. I prefer a more natural progression of the days events as they happe and use much of the natural audio to setup and run the edit. Some time shift editing is used for the prep, opening, and processional, but most of the edit is chronological.

Introductions are set to one piece of music cued to couple kiss in g at ceremony, then goes into picture shots, guest shots, establishing reception shots, and finally introductions cut to the music.

Before the intros ending dj announces the first dance then cue first dance music before the first clip of the first dance appears.
Before the end of first dance the difference announces the speeches. Then I cue the first toasters vocals before they appear on screen talking. Toast are filmed with 2 cameras, one on toaster, the other on couple.
The edit is simple A/B camera edit, with last clip of the toast being the couple's camera. Then audio starts for the second speech before the toaster appears on screen again. This edit style goes for the entire main edit, where audio for the next section cues up before the first clip appears.

Dave Partington
July 1st, 2015, 12:12 PM
I cut anything that doesn't actually 'add' to the story. Cut the crap, cut the fluff, cut the mic tapping at the start unless it's actually adding to the story.

Same with cake cuts and first dance. I'm not interested in the 5 minutes it takes to stand there and pose for the photographer, they'll get 5 seconds of that at-best, I'm interested in the cake cut, and even then we try to get 2 camera angles, one wide and one close on the blade so we can cut between them.

First dances that are just a shuffle are the most boring parts of the day so they get edited down if at all possible too.

I'd rather have 20 minutes of good-to-watch video than 60 minutes of boring stuff that adds nothing.

Robert Benda
July 1st, 2015, 01:10 PM
If I can, I shoot 3 camera. 2 on the subject (one wider than the other, and follow the 30 degree rule), and one for crowd b-roll. Then, if someone is puttering around between, you have something to cut to.

So, if best man finishes his speech, you're wide, and the next person takes forever, you simply cut from wide, the second the best man steps away, to tight on the next person coming into frame. Or to a little b-roll of grandma at her table.

David Barnett
July 1st, 2015, 01:22 PM
I'd rather have 20 minutes of good-to-watch video than 60 minutes of boring stuff that adds nothing.

See this intrigues me, I definitely see the value in cutting it short, but I've found that to be an important question I receive from brides "How long will it be", while it varies greatly, mostly on the length of ceremony, they tend to want longer from me at least. This is where I feel a bit of a questionaire would be helpful.

@Rob Benda - do you use 2-3 cams when you solo shoot? I've done 2 at time tho its a bit much with placement during dance & toast of both cameras versus not blocking peoples views, people not stumbling into the unmanned camera while grabbing a photo on their phone, and sometimes the seating just isn't suited for many different angles. I had one indoors where the B&G were basically seated within the guests area also. So me & the photog were crammed between 2 tables as it was with only 1 cam.

Thanks everyone for the responses tho.

Dave Partington
July 1st, 2015, 02:09 PM
See this intrigues me, I definitely see the value in cutting it short, but I've found that to be an important question I receive from brides "How long will it be", while it varies greatly, mostly on the length of ceremony, they tend to want longer from me at least. This is where I feel a bit of a questionaire would be helpful.

When had brides asking this question I used to turn it around on them and ask how long they think it should be? I then went on to say your ceremony will typically be [plug-in-your-numbers] based on it being civil wedding or a church wedding, but who knows at this point how long the speeches will be.

I then go on to ask how long the film should be that they want to watch over and over, or perhaps when friends come around. Did they think the friends would want to watch all the hymns / prayers and the entire speeches or just the highlights? The answer was ALWAYS just the highlights (as long as they wee also getting full ceremony and full speeches to watch themselves). So then I'd ask how long their favourite program was on TV, like a soap etc, and after the advertising is removed that usually comes down to about 18-20 minutes. Immediately they see the value in the shorter film.

So the package we ended up selling people was basically three videos:

1) The highlights film that typically lasted between 15 and 25 minutes depending on the events of the day

2) The entire ceremony from the moment the music started playing for the bridal entrance until the couple reached the door exiting as married. However, we severely cut down the register signing and omitted any photos taken at register signing UNLESS there were some live musician etc playing for guest entertainment, in which case we may include one or all songs. We'd place chapter markers throughout the ceremony so they can jump forward using a remote control. We used to do moving chapter menus so they could jump right to a section but TBH we stopped doing that a couple of years ago and no one ever complained.

3) The entire speeches from the toast master introducing the first speech until the end of the last speech - though we may edit out any particular pauses that could occur (e.g. the best man fumbling with a projector prior to their speech). We'd do the chapter points allowing them to jump forwards as per the ceremony.

Now, the highlights film would have:

• Getting ready (if part of the package)
• Guests arriving
• Bridal Entrance
• The Vows (cut everything between the entrance and the vows)
• Exchange of rings (if not immediately after the vows then cut everything between them)
• First Kiss
• Walk out
• Some middle bit (between church and meal)
• Entrance of the B+G to the meal
• Maybe some toasts if they were good - otherwise they all got dropped)
• Cake Cut
• Some of the first dance (if included in the package)

That's it. Of course there were the odd exceptions here and there, but generally we found we could edit this in a day or two days max depending on the length of the ceremony & speeches (both done as multicam). We'd edit these two first so we could place markers in the ceremony to find stuff easily (and already have the angle choices in the multicam) and also in the speeches for any good one-line things to add to the highlights.

If the speeches were awesome we may do some time shifting, if the speeches were poor the highlights film would run chronologically.

The DVD menu would have exactly three items, being the highlights, the full ceremony and full speeches, unless they won't fit on one disc, in which case we'd move the speeches to a second disc.

That's it.

We stopped doing trailer films for brides around 3+ years ago because they took as much time to edit as the entire rest of the DVD if we had to do that first. We made it a "paid for" option that it turns out no-one ever wanted once it was no longer free. Time is money in business so don't give stuff away for free that you can charge for, and if people don't want to pay for it then it probably wasn't worth doing. By the time we'd done the trailer we could have done the entire product and be ready to ship. They'd much rather have the 20 minute highlights than the trailer in the same amount of time.

Oh, BTW we never filmed a wedding (ceremony & speeches) with less than 2 cameras - usually it's 3. The most ever was 6 but that was certainly the exception.

David Barnett
July 1st, 2015, 02:28 PM
The DVD menu would have exactly three items, being the highlights, the full ceremony and full speeches, unless they won't fit on one disc, in which case we'd move the speeches to a second disc.

Interesting way of offering it. I felt a bride would likely want to have the entire first dance with her hubby/father but putting it in uncut as a chapter on the backend is a way of doing that.

Dave Partington
July 1st, 2015, 02:29 PM
Interesting way of offering it. I felt a bride would likely want to have the entire first dance with her hubby/father but putting it in uncut as a chapter on the backend is a way of doing that.

Absolutely, you could add a fourth item and have the full dances.

Noa Put
July 1st, 2015, 02:45 PM
We stopped doing trailer films for brides around 3+ years ago because they took as much time to edit as the entire rest of the DVD if we had to do that first. We made it a "paid for" option that it turns out no-one ever wanted once it was no longer free. Time is money in business so don't give stuff away for free that you can charge for, and if people don't want to pay for it then it probably wasn't worth doing. By the time we'd done the trailer we could have done the entire product and be ready to ship. They'd much rather have the 20 minute highlights than the trailer in the same amount of time.

I always charged extra for my trailers and it has been a part of a paid option list for many years, it was actually very rare for a couple not to pick and pay extra for the trailer because almost all want to share it online with their friends, it was and still is my most valuable advertising tool and has been worth every single minute of editing time I spend on them. Yes they take time to edit but they are for a large part responsible for all the extra bookings I get. It's actually the best kind of advertisement there exists, I get paid for it and my clients deal with the advertisement part on facebook or on weddingfora and it doesn't cost me a cent, how can you not like doing this :)

These short trailers are also a excellent training tool to learn how to edit.

Steve Burkett
July 1st, 2015, 03:21 PM
Not do Trailers, unthinkable. Like Noa said, the best marketing tool. I'm not sure how long others take to edit them, but I set myself a limit of 2-5 hours for each one. No more. Sure this can compromise the final video compared to some online videos, but its all I can spare without charging more. They go down well, some more than others, depending on the couples friends list.

As for Speeches, mine are uncut. That's part of my deal, uncut Ceremony, Speeches and 1st Dance. I typically film with 4-5 cameras. If you're looking to make Speeches appear more professional, more than 1 camera will certainly make a big difference. I've edited a 2 camera setup for Speeches, one on the speaker, one on wide and the amount of times I felt frustrated I couldn't cut to a close up of the Bride and Grooms reactions during a key moment.

Robert Benda
July 1st, 2015, 04:19 PM
David, I know what you mean about cramped spaces. If I can, I'll do my longer lenses so my cameras are further back and out of the way. If the B&G's table is amongst the guests, like a harvest table, then take advantage... one camera behind them, one in front, one more off to the side.

Of course, around here, the MOH and best man stand next to B&G, so that helps. Parents often just stand whereever they're sitting and can be harder.

As for not doing highlights...crazy! Just don't not offer it.. raise your rate if you have to. When I asked folks if they wanted to add it, they almost never did. When I switched to simply including it (actually 2 different highlights), they seem to love it. Went the other way when I tried to get rid of the 'documentary style' full length... even though I'm not sure anyone has actually watched one, they all seemed disappointed it wasn't included.

I found that if I do my full length edit first, it makes the highlights goes faster, since I've already gone through and found my best shots. Then I just cull sections of footage I won't use. Have 2 or 3 templates, so to speak, also helps not take too much time.

Today, from a 45 minute ceremony-only shoot, I made a highlight video in about 3 hours (not counting render time). I'm home with the little kids, so I'm not sure how much time I wasted in there. Maybe half an hour.

Dave Partington
July 2nd, 2015, 03:30 AM
Not doing trailers was a decision made as the price spiralled downwards in the local area because it was flooded with students from local media colleges offering silly prices for pocket money & experience. It's not just one or two, it's lots of them.

We (and several others) pretty much pulled out of the wedding market now because of it. I still take bookings, but only referrals and I'm pretty picky about the ones we do take.

People watched our trailers, went 'wow' we'll get a video, called for a price, the usual we've no budget left how cheap can you do it, then went off and booked the cheapest guys they could find (who didn't do trailers themselves). We were just marketing for other people!

Now, I sort of say that tongue in cheek, but there was certainly an increasing reality to it and I know 3 other local video guys who pulled out once the street price of wedding videos around here hit £500 ($750) and below.

My wife runs photobooths and while the number of weddings that are even having videos seems to be declining (not increasing), those that are having video are finding people willing to be there all day (from getting ready until midnight) for stupidly low money. We haven't seen any of the guys that were at the same price level as us for a very long time and when I bumped in to one in town a while ago he said he had only 2 bookings this year, and neither of them were local.

A couple of weeks back there were two shooters with lots of gear (Sony A7s, 2x Sennheiser + 2x Sony wireless mic kits, 3x zooms, 2x draycast LED lighting, 2x Vinten tripods, Ronin Gimbal and quite a bit of glass - I paid attention!) there from 8:30am until midnight for £350 ($560, €490). Let me say that again - three-hundred-and-fity-pounds.

So that's 31 man hours on the day (excluding travelling) + what ever editing time they have + travel expenses + cost of buying gear + insurance + music licensing + DVDs + postage etc. That's not a sustainable business. The biggest problem is they were pretty good at it too, so it's not like they were uncle bob.

So, yeah, let's raise prices further and see what happens ;)

Peter Rush
July 2nd, 2015, 03:43 AM
That's crazy Dave - they must be on less than minimum wage - why are they doing it? there are a few in my area that offer 2 shooters from prep to first dance for £500 and I thought that was barmy but the two you came across - I'm lost for words at that price - I can only think they are new at it and are doing some stupidly cheap ones as a guarantee to get the work for their portfolio, before hiking their prices to be become a more sustainable business.

Dave Partington
July 2nd, 2015, 03:53 AM
I can only think they are new at it and are doing some stupidly cheap ones as a guarantee to get the work for their portfolio, before hiking their prices to be become a more sustainable business.

The problem is that for everyone who shot last year and is now trying to raise prices there is at least one or more new guys this year willing to undercut you at even lower prices. It seems like it's a never ending downward spiral.

What I find mildly amusing is that as most of the local guys pull out, the wedding fairs are tempting in videographers coming from as much as 100 miles away thinking this is an affluent area and there must be lots of higher value business to be had!

Roger Gunkel
July 2nd, 2015, 03:57 AM
Being for ever cynical, I always see another side. Perhaps they have good full time jobs, have bought some good quality gear and have set up an initial price structure to kill off the opposition before going full time and hiking up their prices. Sounds like a cold and sadistic business plan to dominate the area that might well be working.

Of course it might be just students who have borrowed some gear and are gaining wedding experience.


Dave Partington
July 2nd, 2015, 04:15 AM
Being for ever cynical, I always see another side. Perhaps they have good full time jobs, have bought some good quality gear and have set up an initial price structure to kill off the opposition before going full time and hiking up their prices. Sounds like a cold and sadistic business plan to dominate the area that might well be working.

If it were the same people over and over again I would agree. But it really does seem to be here-today gone-tomorrow kinds of people.

Of course it might be just students who have borrowed some gear and are gaining wedding experience.

The local colleges actively encourage students to go out and do free / low ball pricing work to gain experience. I've lost three local commercial jobs in the last year to students doing it for free using college equipment (Red Epic for god's sake!) with the guidance of the teacher along for free. It's getting a bit old TBH.

Roger Gunkel
July 2nd, 2015, 04:35 AM
Dave, have you tried making an official written complaint to the college principle, that the policy is taking work from paid professionals and undermining local business and future employment opportunities for graduating students. You could also mention that your solicitors are looking into the legal aspects of their current policy.

Let's face it, a few years ago colleges stopped bringing in professionals like us to teach on their media courses as we didn't have teaching qualifications, so why put up with students and teachers taking work in our domain. It wouldn't be tolerated in other businesses. Can you imagine medical students taking work from medical professionals, or entertainment and leisure students setting up a travel agency??


Noa Put
July 2nd, 2015, 05:07 AM
A couple of weeks back there were two shooters with lots of gear (Sony A7s, 2x Sennheiser + 2x Sony wireless mic kits, 3x zooms, 2x draycast LED lighting, 2x Vinten tripods, Ronin Gimbal and quite a bit of glass - I paid attention!) there from 8:30am until midnight for £350 ($560, €490). Let me say that again - three-hundred-and-fity-pounds.

We are going a bit off topic but just wanted to say that at that price with 2 shooters and that amount of time spend at the wedding they most likely are not declaring any taxes and don't have a registered business, they probably want to build a portfolio so they can price accordingly later when they maybe will start a business.

Dave Partington
July 2nd, 2015, 05:54 AM
Dave, have you tried making an official written complaint to the college principle, that the policy is taking work from paid professionals and undermining local business and future employment opportunities for graduating students. You could also mention that your solicitors are looking into the legal aspects of their current policy.

I've tried talking to the staff there and to be fair, they have a job to do, which includes getting the students some experience. They say that there aren't enough local video production companies willing to take the students in (even for free) to help them with experience, so they are having to go out and get full projects for them to do.

But you know it goes much deeper than just the students, weddings and such like. Several local charities approached me over the last couple of years to do some videos for them. So, how come they pay for people to cook meals, they pay for laundry doing, they pay their nurses, they pay electricians and builders and window cleaners and all the other trades, they even pay lots of staff to raise money for them, but for photography and video they expect it for free! C'mon guys, I don't need more exposure, I can't spend exposure at the local shop, they seem to want money instead.

Sorry, off topic - rant over :)

Roger Gunkel
July 2nd, 2015, 06:41 AM
Don't want to extend this off topic too far, but just to add that the college do not need to take students into the local business arena to give them experience. That is down to teachers with little real world media experience having no imagination and not realising the impact they are having. Of course there aren't enough video companies to take them on, they are killing them all off!

I spent eight years before the rules changed, subcontracted in to the local college to run their media production course. I deliberately avoided putting students where it would conflict with local video businesses including my own. The students did numerous promotion videos for different courses within the college, the annual college fashion show with 4 camera live mixing and sales of copies to fashion students to help fund course projects.,and worked with local radio to cover events that they were promoting that would not have had video coverage. I also set up a student quick reaction team to cover local news stories and we had several shown on local news. So the whole idea that students need to poach weddings is rubbish and the college should consult with local businesses that they may be harming. In my own case, I frequently invited the best students to accompany me to weddings to gain experience, which cost me nothing and lost me no work and is far better experience than trying to do their own from scratch.

My rant over too!!!


Dave Partington
July 3rd, 2015, 12:37 PM
As if to sum it all up.....

Literally just got off the phone with someone referred to us by a previous client (who paid £1295 three years ago). This couple are getting married in 3 weeks and just decided they wanted a video. The conversation went pretty much like this:

• Hello, we're getting marring in 3 weeks and decided we should get a video. We've had a couple of quotes already, but we just watched the video you did for our friend xxxx & xxxxx and wondered how much it would be?

• OK, do you know what kind of coverage you're looking for and do you have a particular budget in mind?

• We've already over spent our budget so we really need it to be as cheap as possible. We're looking for all day really, I'm getting ready at the xxxx hotel (the venue) from about 8am and xxxx (the groom) is getting ready about 15 miles away. The [church] ceremony is at 12 [noon] and we'd like you to cover up to about 10pm or maybe later.

We've already had two quotes of £300 and £250, but we're really looking for something a bit cheaper and wondered if you were available and could beat those prices? Oh, by the way, the first quote included 10 copies of the DVD and said they'd stay until midnight, can you do that too?

• I politely declined to quote and wished them well on their day.

< sigh />

Robert Benda
July 3rd, 2015, 03:37 PM
We've already had two quotes of £300 and £250, but we're really looking for something a bit cheaper and wondered if you were available and could beat those prices? Oh, by the way, the first quote included 10 copies of the DVD and said they'd stay until midnight, can you do that too?

I'd answer with more, but I'm currently unconscious from having banged my head on my desk over and over and over and over and ove......

Peter Rush
July 5th, 2015, 03:30 AM
• We've already over spent our budget so we really need it to be as cheap as possible. We're looking for all day really, I'm getting ready at the xxxx hotel (the venue) from about 8am and xxxx (the groom) is getting ready about 15 miles away. The [church] ceremony is at 12 [noon] and we'd like you to cover up to about 10pm or maybe later.

We've already had two quotes of £300 and £250, but we're really looking for something a bit cheaper and wondered if you were available and could beat those prices? Oh, by the way, the first quote included 10 copies of the DVD and said they'd stay until midnight, can you do that too?

• I politely declined to quote and wished them well on their day.

< sigh /> speechless

Chris Harding
July 5th, 2015, 04:56 AM
Come on Dave ..I'm sure you could have done it for 200 pounds and also thrown in a photographer and given them a bunch of DVD's, Blurays and at least a 200 page photo album ....and for that price I'm sure your 4 man team would have stayed right to the end too!!

I'm as speechless as Pete .... surely people do a bit of research and even if the other quotes actually were real do prospective brides really expect a professional service at that rate??

I do get a few Muslim brides who ask for crazy prices but naturally I'm already booked on the day but I have never had normal people even think about asking me to do a wedding at prices that approach that pricing ... Even the DIY video people would charge more than that I'm sure (the ones that give the bride a camera and then edit the results...we also have them over here)

I think if I was asked to do a wedding at a ridiculous price I would suggest they get a relative to do it .. I would much rather sit in front of the telly that afternoon.

David Barnett
July 5th, 2015, 05:57 PM
That bothers me not just because its cheap, but because she is also stipulating what she needs you to do, not asking what you can offer to fit her budget. That said, that's egregiously low. People who want stuff cheap often complain the most.