View Full Version : Voiceover - choice of these 3 microphones

Jeff Toogood
October 17th, 2005, 11:09 AM
I have a last minute voice over that I have to do tonight for the project I am working on. Don't have time to rent anything.
I have the following available.

AT-897 Shotgun
Shure BG3.1 Dynamic Handheld (similiar to the SM58)
Sennheiser EVO-100 Wireless lav kit.

It will be recorded in a small room right into my camera.

What would you use?

Jay Massengill
October 17th, 2005, 11:32 AM
All 3, at least for a test. Only you can determine which sounds best in your room with your camera. Use good closed-back headphones, an appropriate wind screen and a pop-filter if you have 15 minutes to make a crude one. Experiment with the mic placement. With the Shure, you'll probably need to be within 4 inches, maybe even less. With the AT, it will depend heavily on your space. With the Sennheiser, place it normally as you would on your chest. Generally a wireless mic will sound inferior to a wired mic when both are placed optimally. Capture the test tape and listen on your speakers
Eliminate the worst sounding one, then record the other two simultaneously using their optimum placements if that's possible.
Then you can choose which track sounds best when you do the edit. You have the other track for backup if needed or if you change your mind.
If you can't do two mics optimally, or you're not familiar in your software how to pick just one, then record the one that sounded best in the test. If your camera can split a single mic to both channels, do that.

Jeff Toogood
October 17th, 2005, 11:43 AM
Cool, good ideas.

I am using my 170, so I can record two at a time.

Probably have the talent go through the script a few times with different microphones plugged in for different takes and then just take the best one in post.

Thanks for the suggestion.