View Full Version : JVC LS300 with 300mm Zoom

Gary Robinson
June 7th, 2015, 10:48 AM
Hi Guys,
I'm considering getting the JVC LS300 with either a Canon or Nikon 300mm zoom. Has anyone used the camera with these zoom lenses? Which lenses will give the most coverage of the sensor and allow for the narrowest depth of field?

John Nantz
June 7th, 2015, 02:53 PM
Hi Gary,

I’m in the same boat you are. Just yesterday I was scoping out zoom lenses to see what was available. The primary thing I was looking for was a power zoom that was compatible with the LS300 cam. In addition, After doing the searching yesterday I’m also giving some thought to both a wide angle prime and a “portrait” prime, but they are more for “down the road” so to speak.

You are really fortunate to have some good resources in your area. If you haven’t already checked it out, one is EVS in Glendale at EVS Online: Home ( I had a chat with Jim Martin, the owner, and he is really good at getting to the point and summarizing years of experience in the trade. An absolute fountain of knowledge. Since they do both sales and rentals there the interaction with other videographers happens on a daily basis so he has a good “feel”, if you will, for everything camcorder.

There are two other potential resources right where you live: the JVC West Coast Factory Rep and the JVC West Coast Field Service Engineer (in Long Beach). Not sure what a Field Service Engineer does, probably solves problems?, but hey, he’s a potential resource. I’ve talked to him and he is (not surprisingly), very knowledgeable too.

With regard to information about what telephoto to get, there was one rather “horrible” but interesting video about telephotos I saw yesterday at The Angry Photographer: WHICH TELEPHOTO ZOOM IS BEST?? Nikon Lens Secrets to save you $$ - YouTube It’s lengthy but it’ll get you thinking. He considers bang-for-the-buck, usability, and function. Everyone has their preference and he provides some thoughts about which way to go.

What got me going with considering other lenses you can see in the sidebar on the right - “Top 5 Lenses” and some of his others. He tends to be very long winded but, unfortunately, (if you can stay awake) you need to pretty much watch the whole thing because every minute or so he comes up with another interesting tidbit. My interest would be in a wide-angle prime and a “portrait” prime. In one of his videos he has a comparison between a prime and a non-prime. If I got these they’d be manual because I’m comfortable with that. The wide-angle would be intended for indoor and low-light use and the “portrait” lens for music videos.

Warning: The LS300 with a long tele on front will get very front heavy so lens weight needs to be a considered. Image Stabilization, for me at least, is another consideration. I’m also not ruling out the HM200 yet, just need to find out more about it. Ergonomics, Highlights, ND filters, and to some degree, low-light, are the areas I’m looking for. The 300 with a long and heavy telephoto …. this is why I like the HM200. That cam is great on ergonomics. [Edit: also needs good auto-focus and focus ergonomics]

Edit: watch one of his other videos (youtube) "The Secret Real Reason why Prime Lenses are Best!". (warning: this is 28 minutes but could be condensed into probably less than 5 minutes, but every once in a while he brings up another tidbit.) The devil is in the details.

While this doesn't answer your questions, perhaps the resources will be of help.

Jim Martin
June 11th, 2015, 03:15 PM
Thanks for the nod but to clarify, I'm not one of the two owners even though I share the same last name as one of them......Also, I'm trying to arrange for a JVC 200 to "hang out" here for a bit so, along with the LS 300, people can check out these cameras......

Jim Martin