View Full Version : UWOL #34 At Ground Level

Vishal Jadhav
June 2nd, 2015, 07:39 AM
This was one Interesting topic, i decided on the subject and tried to get the footage possible in the time. Some unseasonal rains and odd climate conditions made me miss some of the footage opportunities , infact i was sure i had footage and then landed with less than what i aimed for.
The music part is put together on the last day with field recordings, free sound, ipad and android phone.
Interesting thing is i took up task of doing my website in this month and managed to put it up few days back , this took up a lot of time.

Do let me have your suggestions

At Ground Level on Vimeo

vishal jadhav
Indian Wilderness (

Marj Atkins
June 3rd, 2015, 08:41 AM
Congratulations Vishal – despite your misgivings, you managed to gather some wonderful shots in the end to put together your video on the Fan-throated Lizard!

Your subject is colourful not only physically but in character too – makes for entertaining viewing. The highlight for me is that lightning fast catch – a wow moment for sure. I enjoyed the shot near the end showing the lizard dashing off with its rather comical bi-pedal gait!

I think your story construction is very good and the sound effects are very effective in adding depth to this piece. However I hasten to add that I personally felt quite frustrated at times while watching because I was not sure what was going on - particularly at the end with males and females dashing around with very dramatic music in the background. Having a broad knowledge of how wildlife works I could guess what you were trying to show without actually showing it but I believe that viewers, and particularly less informed viewers, would have benefitted from an explanation. Not to harp too much on the subject because I know that you are not happy about doing a narration at this stage but this is the major draw-back of not having a narration or written note - too many gaps remain in the story.

Just a couple of observations –
I did not see the name of the lizard the first time viewing because it flashes on and off so quickly. I am glad that you decided to use that shot as your thumbnail. Perhaps a longer version could have been used effectively as your title.

While the footage of the Lark feeding its chick is outstanding I am wondering if it really adds value to your story – it seems more of a distraction to me. You certainly have enough good shots of the lizard for them to carry this story on their own.

Very well done Vishal – your work is inspiring!

Geir Inge
June 4th, 2015, 02:25 AM
Hi Vishal.

You provide some stunningly gorgeous and fascinating footage of lizard.
I was almost hypnotized when the lizard run off.
Sound and image composition is good and I think you are absolutely in line with what the topic requires.
You must surely have spent many hours on the footage, I think.
One thing is to film in your own backyard, in a zoo, or directing people.
Then you have more opportunities to shape the film as one pleases.
Something else is filming in the wilderness. Wild creatures can not be led in the same way as humans.
As wildlife filmmaker, one takes only what you get, so to speak.
The work often takes hours, days and weeks.
I mean you are in that category who would spend a lot of time on location. Am I right?
What I miss is comments or explanatory text.
Not to chew on old thoughts, but I think it's a shame because your video is very good, with good quality.
It just lacks this little extra that is a storyteller, who can take the viewer further into the story.
I'm glad you delivered this inspiring video.

Many thanks for sharing!

Trond Saetre
June 4th, 2015, 02:51 AM
Hi Vishal,

Seems like the weather was an issue for many this round. Glad you were able to deliver.

As been mentioned, I also would have liked some narrative story. This would have enhanced your video a bit. Your music was a good choice and really fit well.
I would also consider cut away the birds and focused on the lizard.

The fast left hand panning at 2:48 was a distraction and this clip could have been removed.

Well done!

Paul Wood
June 4th, 2015, 12:28 PM
Hi Vishal,

I have to agree with the others, a very good entry!

If I may make a couple of suggestions in line with the story comments - I always like to see where I am - you started well, with the map zoom, and a landscape shot - I think i would re order the shots a bit - perhaps a bit more landscape, the introduce the lark footage, interspersed with some more landscape, then your shot at 1.10¨ to introduce the lizard. That way, we can see the variety of wildlife in the area before we settle down to the main event - the lizards.

I would also remove some of the very quick shots as they are a distraction.

Some commentary would be super, although I know this is sometimes hard to achieve - well done!

Vishal Jadhav
June 6th, 2015, 08:05 AM

Thanks for your suggestions, they are surely something i would take with me when i further explore the topic.

was travelling for last few days hence the delay in replying.

As the topic was Down to earth , decided to stick to with what all i found on the ground lizard , the crested lark , ants and grasshoppers , there was the second bush lark thats also found, however it prefers shrubs so excluded its shots and only kept its singing.

Its a bit hard sometimes to get all the shots in such a time frame , drove around 250 kms each day for the footage and rains at bad times spoiled the timing as mating shots couldn't be achieved , even some absolute blank days . I wanted a predator however could not find one in the time period , kestrels do eat these lizards however they migrate back in april hence did not include the kestrel shot i had requested earlier as the time period would not be in sync.

narration is something i missed too, since i finalised most of the things on last day, i couldn't give it a shot this time around.