Steve Bobilin
May 26th, 2015, 09:04 PM
Has anyone developed a picture profile for bright intense sunny situations? I've been reading up on it and I don't have a lot of money to spend on Digicon filters—though that would seem to solve my problem—but I would like to find a profile that helps a little. I realize that one strategy is to set up a profile for color grading in post. That is NOT what I want to do, as I have limited RAM and I just want to be able to use clips without having color correct each and every clip.
Chris Harding
May 26th, 2015, 10:22 PM
Hi Steve
Doing weddings I have a lot of dim inside Church shots followed by stinking hot and very bright outside shots ... to be honest the "no profile" really sucks for outdoor shoots as it goes way over the black level and you get absolutely no detail on anyone wearing a dark suit so that has to be corrected in post which is a pain!!
So far my best profiles are two modified PP3 profiles which still allow decent shadow detail .. I use the standard PP3 profile but I lift the default colour level up by 4 points ... for me that gives nice saturation without losing any shadow detail .... It's work a try ... for indoors I have the same PP3 but the colour level lifted up just 2 points ... if you use the first one indoors, skin tones are a bit overdone but for me it's perfect for outdoors. I allocate my "outdoor" one to PP2 and then my "indoor" one I leave as PP3 ... you can always reset them to factory default so don't be scared to play ... PP5 and 6 outdoors are definitely much too contrasty for me !!
Tell me what you think, otherwise if you find anything better, I'm all ears
Steve Bobilin
May 27th, 2015, 09:31 PM
Thanks, Chris
I'll give it a go tomorrow. It's dusk right now.
Hawaii and Australia must have similar sunlight issues, with Hawaii probably a bit less predictable.