View Full Version : GH4 problem: pink-ish pixels

Luc Spencer
May 26th, 2015, 01:54 PM
Well guys, I have one of the biggest threads on this page a few lines down regarding a big GH3 problem, meanwhile I bought a GH4 and it's already ready to be serviced. Sigh.

I'm getting red/pink pixels on top of my images and videos. On any lens. I checked the sensor, besides a tiny bit of dust it's perfectly fine. The spots do NOT change regardless of focus or F-value. I can blur the crap out of my shot and yet the pixels stay crisp.

Here's a pic showcasing the problem. Make sure you zoom in 100% and you will see them on the guy that's behind me, on his grey jacket, and also to the right, near the green shoes.

If I cover the lens until it's perfectly black, they don't show up. Which, I heard, makes them not dead pixels, but something else.

I'm not sure what the pixel refresh function does in the menu, do you guys recommend it? I need to look for the manual and read up before I do anything stupid.

Again, any help/advice is greatly appreciated. Even though I love these cameras so much, it seems I'm not that favored by the Panasonic gods.

Thank you.

Luc Spencer
May 26th, 2015, 02:35 PM
Here's another example from today's shoot. This is a snapshot from a 4k clip. You can clearly see the problem area on her white dress, approximately in the upper middle part of the shot. And one other pixel where her dress ends on the right. I have no idea what happened, last time I filmed was this Saturday (I checked the footage, it's clean 100%) and since then the GH4 sat quietly in my video bag...

Gary Huff
May 26th, 2015, 02:36 PM
Did you purchased used or new?

Luc Spencer
May 26th, 2015, 02:49 PM
Absolutely new. Bought it as a kit with the 12-35mm lens. It is under warranty, but since I've still not received my GH3 back yet, I can't send it in right now. I'm still hoping they will go away on their own or I can figure out how to fix it myself.

EDIT: did the pixel refresh thingy, absolutely no difference. in the manual it does say you should do it if you're getting bright spots in your images, which I'm guessing is the case, but it didn't work.

Gary Huff
May 26th, 2015, 04:39 PM
Yeah, if the pixel refresh doesn't fix it then I would send it in for a replacement. Your footage should not look like that.

Luc Spencer
May 27th, 2015, 09:16 AM
It's been arranged, sending the GH4 back to the UK tomorrow. The guy who sold it to me was laughing over the phone today, at my misfortune. For those who don't know my full story, here it is in short:

In March I was getting my Panasonic TM900 ready, when I turned it on, nothing happened. After a minute of being "on", it eventually came to life, but only for a split second, then turned itself off, on again and so on.

A few weeks after that, I updated the firmware on my GH3 and it crashed mid-process. Would not turn back on at all. That problem has finally been fixed, the Panasonic UK service center reflashed its memory completely.

And now this. Didn't even have the GH4 for a month and it does this... such is life, I guess.