Ron Edwards
October 16th, 2005, 01:47 PM
Does anyone video tape city council meetings. Trying to figure a rate for this service.
The meetings are approx. 1.5 hours long (average). I will need to mic 9 people, run two cameras (fixed focus, angle etc.) and switch live into VHS recorder. Looking at 2 meetings per month. Cameras are GL2's.
Rob Wilson
October 16th, 2005, 08:26 PM
I've filled in for a buddy that does. Not sure you could pay me enough to listen to that on a regular basis... Whew....
He gets $500/mtg. Usually they run 2-2.5 hrs. He supplies the One Cam, switcher and an SVHS Deck. City provides the audio gear and a second fixed cam. The SVHS tape is the only deliverable. He has a annual contract.
James Emory
October 16th, 2005, 08:37 PM
Not sure you could pay me enough to listen to that on a regular basis... Whew....I heard that! LMAO! :O
Rob, I hope you do a much better job than the folks that do ours. Uh, more often than not green video, frequently little or no audio, audio hum, etc.. Unbelievable! When I called the woman at the library who oversees this to see if they would consider hiring a knowledeable person, she stated that they really didn't have a budget and that she felt everything was just fine as it was. Translation: I need to keep my job by appearing as though I have everything under control.