View Full Version : Image Duplication

Barry Hunter
May 14th, 2015, 03:29 AM
Something strange is happening on my main office PC! When I have copied images from my stills camera for some unexplained reason they are being duplicated with a longer file name, for instance, an image that has a name of P1020839 is duplicated as P1020839@2014-10-07T08;43;06. This obviously the time & date when it was taken, but it means that I have duplicates in the same folder which is reducing the amount of images I can store. I`ve also tried to find a way of grouping these extras in order to delete them & I would like to prevent it happening in the first place, anyone any ideas? Thanks.

James Manford
May 14th, 2015, 05:41 AM
May be time for a re-install of windows ?

Are you drag and dropping the files off a SDHC or CF card reader ?

Barry Hunter
May 14th, 2015, 09:41 AM
I have a card reader in the PC so I open this to view, then create a folder on the HD and then drag the files from the card to the new folder. The last ones I did on returning from holiday weren't affected but previous ones where but not everyone! My feeling is that it`s being caused by software somehow. Another thing, on the HD if I R/Click I don`t have as may tabs, like tools, Hardware, Sharing but maybe that`s because it`s Formatted NTFS & not FAT32? But that can`t be the case as I`ve just looked on another machine that also has the same HD`s which is NTFS & that has all the tabs! Confused!

Seth Bloombaum
May 14th, 2015, 09:48 AM
Are these duplicate images the same size as the keepers?

Is it possible that your camera is creating thumbnails or something? Or, if wifi capable, maybe it is automatically creating lower rez pix for wireless upload - there should be settings for such.

Battle Vaughan
May 14th, 2015, 12:34 PM
Just a thought, but some cameras (Nikon dlsrs, for one) can be set to produce both a JPEG and a RAW file at the same time. Any possibility that you have this setting in your camera?

Jim Andrada
May 14th, 2015, 02:44 PM
Are there really two files or just two names for one file?

Barry Hunter
May 15th, 2015, 01:55 AM
Identical in everything except the file name, also it`s not every image but random. The drive properties are interesting, it`s formatted NTFS but in properties there is no tab for tools also no facility for disk clean up. Just a thought!