View Full Version : My Venue Speeches Recorder Solution - Non Wireless

Clive McLaughlin
May 10th, 2015, 02:18 PM
More just for those who may find it by google or whatever - perhaps won't be much of a discussion starter, but I'm happy with both the quality, aesthetics, and simplicity of this solution.

The recorder is a Sony ICDUX533B UX - £55

Sony ICDUX533B UX Series 4GB Voice Recorder - Black: Office Products (

The recorder comes with a slip on pouch. It's fairly secure. I then had my mum sew some black fabric elastic onto it, for sliding securely onto the venue's mic.

The little tiny mic on it is the EDUTIGE ETM-001 - £24

EDUTIGE Dual Microphone ETM-001: Musical Instruments (

Here is an audio sample from a made of honor:

Recorder on Venue Mic Uploaded by clive.mclaughlin_105_gp at Your Listen (

Adrian Tan
May 11th, 2015, 12:39 AM
Thanks very much for posting that, Clive. That's a brilliant solution. I think it's better than anything suggested in the long thread we had on the subject (

I've been Googling around and haven't found a more suitable recorder and microphone than the ones you've selected, and the holder looks easier to apply and stronger than any of the other means I've tried (hair elastics, gaffer tape, Velcro). It's also a better solution aesthetically, as you say.

One idea that comes to mind -- if anyone wants to use your method but wants to save on buying a new microphone, a less elegant alternative is to use any lav mic, coil it around the recorder, and secure it so that it points upwards. Ray Roman does this when he's micing up brides, for instance (hides an Olympus Recorder WS812 in their bosom). External microphones definitely will give cleaner sound than the inbuilt microphones.

Another thought -- use of thick fabric elastic potentially hinders access to the on/off button and to the display screen. But I guess you can push through the fabric to turn the thing on/off, if that's where the button is, and most of the time the user won't need to see the LCD display.

Clive McLaughlin
May 11th, 2015, 02:17 AM
Yea Adrian - I previously used a lav mic coiled up when I did this method with tape, but this little mic means less bulk and hassle. I have to say though, my audio tests showed my lav mic performed better than this mic - but darn it, it's cute and very simple!

You are right - the elastic does cover mic buttons and switches, but as I've told venue managers, the fabric can be push pack to gain access. On one occasion I just explain to the manager that he could slide the whole pouch down the mic shaft, make his adjustments and then slide it back up. He felt this was no big deal at all and was very obliging.

Peter Rush
May 11th, 2015, 07:52 AM
I have 2 of these - nice little recorders - like the idea of the elastic - need to learn to sew now!

Michael Kirinovic
May 11th, 2015, 01:10 PM
Clive and Peter - I'm also interested in the Sony ICDUX533B recorder. Was wondering what audio format are you using to record wedding vows/speeches? WAV or MP3? The Sony looks like an economical little recorder but was concerned that it doesn't record WAV 48kHz but LPCM 44.1kHz. I've had trouble in the past with syncing up Olympus voice recorders that record only mp3. Currently using a Yamaha CX audio recorder but want to pick up a few more recorders, but to keep it all to one brand/model to simplify things when it comes to quickly setting them up.

Thanks in advanced.

Michael Silverman
May 12th, 2015, 03:33 AM
This year I've been providing a mic stand for all of the speeches which has worked really well. It allows me to ensure that the speaker stays in one spot, it ensures that they won't bring the mic down too low, and it also allows me to mount my G3 transmitter and lav to the stand very easily. It would be just as easy to hook a portable recorder and wired lav to the mic stand but I prefer being able to control the levels on my camera with the G3.

Steve Bleasdale
May 13th, 2015, 01:26 AM
Of the topic sorry, what do you do when you have all your recorders and audio set up then the venue bloody microphone is noisy, rasps and general poor condition. More work in the edit room or do you buy your own microphone, any out there cheap to plug into the venue that gives sweet audio from the hand held mic. steve

Peter Rush
May 13th, 2015, 02:11 AM
Clive and Peter - I'm also interested in the Sony ICDUX533B recorder. Was wondering what audio format are you using to record wedding vows/speeches? WAV or MP3? The Sony looks like an economical little recorder but was concerned that it doesn't record WAV 48kHz but LPCM 44.1kHz. I've had trouble in the past with syncing up Olympus voice recorders that record only mp3. Currently using a Yamaha CX audio recorder but want to pick up a few more recorders, but to keep it all to one brand/model to simplify things when it comes to quickly setting them up.

Thanks in advanced.

It does record 44.1Khz WAV format but I've had no issues with drift. My Olympus recorders only recorded MP3/WMA and I had to always compensate for drift which was a pain.

Peter Rush
May 13th, 2015, 02:18 AM
Of the topic sorry, what do you do when you have all your recorders and audio set up then the venue bloody microphone is noisy, rasps and general poor condition. More work in the edit room or do you buy your own microphone, any out there cheap to plug into the venue that gives sweet audio from the hand held mic. steve

Steve a regular venue I use has a dire PA/mic combo - lots of booming and breath pops, - I used to lav up all the speakers but that's time consuming and a little stressful so now I do what Clive does - fasten a little recorder to the mic - it adds bulk but the result is worth it.

Steve Bleasdale
May 13th, 2015, 02:20 AM
Cheers Pete is that still OK if the hand held is crap?

Peter Rush
May 13th, 2015, 02:28 AM
It's about the same as putting a lav mic on them but less hassle Steve. This sample is from lst weekend's wedding.

Clive McLaughlin
May 13th, 2015, 03:30 AM
Your recorder in this technique is completely separate from the venue PA. So far from being affected by it, it's actually immune to it!

I've had venues where guests could barely hear the PA speakers - my recording was perfect, venues where there was a buzz/hum - my recording was perfect.

Even in instances where speakers hold teh mic far too close that it touches there lips, or too far away that they are barely heard - my attached recorder seems to handle these extremes better than the venue mic and PA does.

It's a no brainer for me. Laving each speaker is the only other workaround but takes far too much time and effort.

I've had one venue manager complain that it looked stupid, but i strongly disagree - I still believe most regular Joe guests don't give a toss what that extra bulk is on the microphone. But I've come up with my method to at least cover a lit up screen, and perhaps rough looking tape work.

I saw a video the other day where the guy had simply attached his Zoom H1 with a beige colour rubber band. I think perhaps we owe it to clients to put a little bit of effort into making it presentable looking.

Peter Rush
May 13th, 2015, 03:47 AM
I did an Asian wedding a few years back where the Imam was holding 3 SM58 type mics - now that looked stupid!

Steve Bleasdale
May 13th, 2015, 05:37 AM
sounds good and sorted it with my oldish oly w320, had a spare pouch from oly dm670, cheers guys and Clive...

Peter Rush
May 13th, 2015, 07:07 AM
Just bought some elastic to sew onto the pouch - 70p! I also ordered that microphone, no cable to mess with, in the past I've used this

Which sounds good but sticks out at the sides a little and was once accidentally pulled out - the one Clive recommends looks a neater option

Will try it out on Saturday.

Paul Mailath
May 15th, 2015, 04:03 AM
I've been using the Sony's for about 12 months now - originally designed a plastic mount that clips on to hte mic but I just use a velcro strap now - quick & easy

I only tape it on if I can't get a line out from the Venue or DJ and I always have another recorder near the speaker as a backup

Andrew Maclaurin
May 16th, 2015, 12:26 PM
what settings do you use when you leave the recorder/mic like that? I have the same recorder and mic but I'm not sure what settings are best. I only bought them 2 weeks ago and have only used it at one wedding.

Taky Cheung
May 17th, 2015, 05:53 AM
I have done similar things few years ago. Last time when I lost it here in 2013, I got trashed by some guy saying I cannot use dictation machine for that purpose.


Attaching Voice Recorder to Handheld Microphone to Capture Audio | L.A. Color Pros Blog (

Attached Voice Recorder to Handheld Mic on Vimeo

Kelly Langerak
May 17th, 2015, 10:05 AM
We have tried this method but it doesn't always work out. It's not 100% for us. We have had people take it off, put their hand over it and worst thing is when they don't hold the mic close enough to their mouths. We have found a solution that takes a little more work but is flawless. We mic each speaker with a Sanken Cos-11 and a Tascam DR-10C. The audio sounds more like the quality of the vows at the ceremony, the audio is consistent no matter where they hold the mic etc. We even use Rycote stickies to hide the mic on the ladies dresses but in these pictures we used the clips.

Lady in purple dress has the same setup on her but the mic is hidden!

Now we also don't have to worry about DJ's who won't let us plugin to their system or a cheap audio system that they bring.

Peter Rush
May 17th, 2015, 11:53 AM
I have done similar things few years ago. Last time when I lost it here in 2013, I got trashed by some guy saying I cannot use dictation machine for that purpose.


I used the Sony ICDUX533B fastened to the mic yesterday and it sounds great - 3 guys and one girl - if It sounds great do it as far as i'm concerned :) As a solo shooter I have little enough time as it is without putting a lav on everyone. I also put white Zoom H1 recorders under each speaker (angled up on little ball heads) in case they decide to ditch the microphone.

James Manford
May 17th, 2015, 01:44 PM
I've been doing this but with velcro. Works good enough for me. But lav-ing up the speakers is still the most reliable option.

Andrew Maclaurin
May 29th, 2015, 08:22 AM
What recording settings do you use with the Sony ux533? I mean recording levels etc?

Daniel Latimer
May 29th, 2015, 05:31 PM
We have found a solution that takes a little more work but is flawless. We mic each speaker with a Sanken Cos-11 and a Tascam DR-10C. The audio sounds more like the quality of the vows at the ceremony, the audio is consistent no matter where they hold the mic etc. We even use Rycote stickies to hide the mic on the ladies dresses but in these pictures we used the clips.

Lady in purple dress has the same setup on her but the mic is hidden!

When you do this, where do you put the recorder on the females? It's easy with males, since they almost always have a pocket.

Andrew Maclaurin
June 6th, 2015, 03:59 AM
I keep finding that the Sony records at a very low level even though I'm recording at the loudest setting. I have all the noise reduction etc turned off. Anyone got any tips on getting the best out of this recorder? The Zoom H1 I have works fine.