Dave Blackhurst
May 20th, 2015, 03:51 PM
@Craig -
"Normal" refresh cycle for "consumer" cameras has been about "every year"... BUT the "new economy" and Sony's financial struggles have stretched that significantly. CES used to mean a half a dozen or more "new" cameras announced in various "flavors"... now it means maybe a couple... They are even mostly "abandoning" certain market niches/segments (like consumer P&S cameras). Pro lines for video cameras have multi-year product cycles...
They have been updating the RX100 (now on M3) about once a year, but the RX10 has been out for quite some time, with only a firmware bump (and I still swear it can do 4K with firmware, which would extend the market viability for another year or two, IMO). The AX100 is another "long market cycle" cam. Both got so many things "right" that there isn't really a lot of competitive push to do something newer/better/different.
I'm all for "newer better faster", but honestly it's hard to find "better" that would replace the AX100 and RX10 for my needs - testing the AX33 for the BOSS system and as a backup, so far I don't see it as a replacement and I'm on the fence as a "backup/second cam". It's definitely not "bad", but on a 4K monitor you start to see "soft" in an entirely different way...
"Normal" refresh cycle for "consumer" cameras has been about "every year"... BUT the "new economy" and Sony's financial struggles have stretched that significantly. CES used to mean a half a dozen or more "new" cameras announced in various "flavors"... now it means maybe a couple... They are even mostly "abandoning" certain market niches/segments (like consumer P&S cameras). Pro lines for video cameras have multi-year product cycles...
They have been updating the RX100 (now on M3) about once a year, but the RX10 has been out for quite some time, with only a firmware bump (and I still swear it can do 4K with firmware, which would extend the market viability for another year or two, IMO). The AX100 is another "long market cycle" cam. Both got so many things "right" that there isn't really a lot of competitive push to do something newer/better/different.
I'm all for "newer better faster", but honestly it's hard to find "better" that would replace the AX100 and RX10 for my needs - testing the AX33 for the BOSS system and as a backup, so far I don't see it as a replacement and I'm on the fence as a "backup/second cam". It's definitely not "bad", but on a 4K monitor you start to see "soft" in an entirely different way...