View Full Version : Audio Test - Opinions Please

Clive McLaughlin
April 26th, 2015, 12:32 PM
Some of you will have noted from my previous thread that I have decided to improve my process and setup for recording speeches with a recorder on the venue mic.

Part of this has involved attempting to source some mics that have jcak connections, but no wire. They are very compact - and are only about an inch 30mm long.

Here is some audio testing a did. You will hear four different tests. One is with my current lapel mic (which I had been 'wrapping up and taping to shorten), one is the recorder's in built mic, one is a £30 mini mic, the other is a £5 mini mic.

I don't have great hearing so this is a hard thing for me to test. So can I ask your opinions - which of teh four sound best, and are any noticeably better than the others. Any noticeably worst?

I played some 'chatter' sound effects from my PC on the other side of the room to mimic real life use a little and see if any managed to isolate the voice better than the rest.

If a few people kindly respond, I may well do a reveal!

Audio Recorder Input Option Tests Uploaded by clive.mclaughlin_105_gp at Your Listen (

Craig McKenna
April 26th, 2015, 05:01 PM
Hi Clive,

I'm no expert, but I am wearing AKG 550s (over the ear closed back headphones) to test the sound quality.

Personal thoughts:

1: Background noise:
I felt the final listen was the quietest.

2. Clarity / Sound Quality of the Voice:
I feel that the quality went backwards, the end track being the best. I.e. 4 3 2 1, with the first track being the worst.

In all honesty though, they're pretty hard to decipher between, where as on board mic vs lav difference is huge (as everyone here is aware), so I wouldn't fret too much about which option you select, and I'm certain that others will be more knowledgeable than I am!

Just trying to be helpful!

All the best with your audio tests, Clive!

Clive McLaughlin
April 28th, 2015, 01:57 PM
Appreciate it Craig! Nobody else want to chip in before I reveal?

Jeff Harper
April 29th, 2015, 09:27 AM
Last one, but it might sound as if you were closer to the mic, but I can't know because I wasn't there.

Clive McLaughlin
April 29th, 2015, 11:14 AM
Cheers Jeff!

So, the first audio is the in built mics. Second and third are the cheap and then pricier mini mics - £5 and £30 respectively. Last up is my wired lapel mic.

So, since I wanted to create less bulk, number 4 is out.

Do we think 3 is better than 2 enough to justify the price difference? Or should I return the £30 one?

Jeff Harper
April 29th, 2015, 12:32 PM
30 is not not much, if it's better I'd probably keep it.