View Full Version : help me reconnect clips

Bjørn Sørensen
April 24th, 2015, 02:21 AM
I'm in FCPX 10.1.4

Some clips on the timeline are missing (showing red film strip with yellow triangle).
The funny thing is these clips are visible in the project where I can scrub and play with no problems.
When I just select one of the clips and choose relink files, I can relink them, but this has no effect.
They still won't shop up in the timeline.

Anyone knows what to do then??

John C. Chu
April 24th, 2015, 07:57 AM
Have you tried to reimport the files from the camera card?

File>Import>Reimport From Camera/Archive and point to the original camera card. FCPX will reimport any missing files.

Bjørn Sørensen
April 25th, 2015, 12:03 AM
The project is several months old, so the card has been formatted many times.

All clips are in the library and I see them in the "original media" and "transcoded media" folders.

They are just "red with yellow alert" on the timeline itself.

John C. Chu
April 25th, 2015, 06:17 AM
I've seen this issue before and it can be frustrating.

Try the Consolidate Library Files command?

Duplicate the project and copy the items on the timeline and paste onto the new project timeline? See if the new project will have the same issue?

How many clips does this effect? Duplicate the original media onto desktop and reimport those missing clips into project and manually relink those clips affected. Tedious, yes but should work?

Another great resource for Final Cut Pro X issues is at they might have some tips. Forum :: Topic: BUG - RELINK AVCHD FOLDERS - OPTIMISED MEDIA - BACK UP LIBRARY (1/1) (

Bjørn Sørensen
April 25th, 2015, 08:57 AM
Thank you. I found out all clips to be reconnected were on the second "track" in the timeline. They could easily be reconnected one by one, but I did not find out what caused this or if there was a way to reconnect automatically.


Bjørn Sørensen
April 25th, 2015, 09:12 AM
I saw that I had several clips in the event, that had the same name. This confused FCPX, so the clips with an identical name was not showing up in the timeline. I don't know how this could happen, but apparently FCPX does not automatically rename files with identical names during import.