View Full Version : 1080p to 720p exports as still frames

Paul Anderegg
April 22nd, 2015, 11:31 PM
Just upgraded to 10.2, and shot some 1080p30 XDCAM 422HD, tried to export as my standard 720p60 timeline. Everything comes out as a series of still frames with audio. If I export as 1080p30, it works fine. I've never had a problem before exporting 720p60 from 1080 clips. Is there a new option/setting in 10.2 that defaulted to something that is causing this?



Paul Anderegg
April 23rd, 2015, 12:53 AM
Just tested 1080p60 XAVC L.....exports fine as 720p60......why the issue with 1080p30....confused here. :-\


Paul Anderegg
June 18th, 2015, 12:46 AM
So, the problem appears to be that I cannot export a frame-rate (timeline) that is different from the media frame-rate. The media MUST match the timeline frame-rate, or all I get is STILL FRAMES with audio.

I am about to upgrade my PXW-X70 to 4Kp30, but my export format is always 720p60 timeline, so I am screwed. Anyone have any ideas where to begin looking in the settings for something that could cause this? I would like to shoot 1080p30 and 4Kp30, but if they can't be exported on a 60p timeline, I can't go with that.


William Hohauser
June 18th, 2015, 06:19 AM
Are you saying that this happens with all media that is different on only 720p60 timelines or with all different format timelines on your system? Have you sent a bug report to Apple? They sometimes will contact you directly, happened to me when I reported a bug a few years ago.

I mix formats all the time on 1080p timelines and 480i timelines and never have this problem. I am about to do an edit to a 720p24 timeline, it has worked before, we'll see what happens.

Paul Anderegg
June 18th, 2015, 12:51 PM
Not just 720. The media FPS must match the time-line FPS, or those clips will export as stills.


William Hohauser
June 19th, 2015, 03:34 AM
Something is very wrong. FCPX does an excellent job of conforming different formats to the timeline and exporting movie files. You might have to re-install FCPX. Have you done all the other updates?

Paul Anderegg
June 19th, 2015, 04:04 AM
It's fully up to date, and additionally, I have tested this with (ingest/export) XAVC, AVCHD, h264, ProRes etc, issue is not codec related.
