Kent Beeson
April 21st, 2015, 09:02 AM
bout to shoot a green screen gig for 8 interviews - using FS7, what are best settings for such? It'll be 1920, at 30fps
what's best for pulling a great/clean key and for smoothest/best editing of the files
Thanks much
Gary Huff
April 21st, 2015, 06:11 PM
Should you really be shooting footage for chroma keying if you don't have a basic idea of what is needed already? There's more than just "best settings" to it.
Bruce S. Yarock
April 21st, 2015, 09:01 PM
I just did two projects, one at 24 and one at 30. Your success will depend more on
1-Lighting the screen correctly
2-Placing the talent we'll in front and separated from screen.
3-lighting talent correctly.
4- dealing with shadows and other crap on the green.
Good luck
Bruce Yarock
Kent Beeson
April 21st, 2015, 09:34 PM
Thanks Bruce...the info you provided was good, it's just I know how to light and separate talent from a green screen, but not having used the FS7 before, I wondered if there was a setting re: either standard or custom or what.
I just found these answers on another search, thought others could benefit from seeing this as well: from a European guy
"As for settings, use the XAVC-I codec with a faster shutter speed than normal. I shot mine at 25p with a 100th/s shutter to reduce motion blur.
Personally I would use either a standard gamma or a hyper gamma (depending if you can get the lighting right to reduce the dynamic range) This way you would have the most amount of colour info in the codec to key out later."
Someone else wrote:
"Be sure to switch off Detail Processing in Custom Mode - otherwise you have to fight against artificial Contrast Peaking Borders in your green."
Doug Jensen
April 22nd, 2015, 07:03 AM
bout to shoot a green screen gig for 8 interviews - using FS7, what are best settings for such? It'll be 1920, at 30fps
what's best for pulling a great/clean key and for smoothest/best editing of the files
Thanks much
If the interviews aren't going to be too long for it, I would shoot 4K XAVC-I.