View Full Version : No audio in Premier with 1080x60P
Steven Digges April 18th, 2015, 05:33 PM I have no audio when importing 1080x60P clips into premier 5.5. It is not that it won’t play (it doesn’t) it reads the clips as though they are video only and shows them that way even though the audio is there. All other formats and data rates work fine.
I have searched this board and the net. Apparently this is a known issue with Premier (per Adobe). The real problem is that it is caused by and fixed by different things on different systems. I have tried a few of the fixes I found so far with no luck.
They are shot as Sony AVCHD in PS mode at 1080x60P 28MPS. I have tried multiple import methods. I have processed the clips first with three different Sony Media Utilities. I have tried drag and drop. I have tried Premiers media browser import. The size or length of the clip makes no difference. If I import them through Sony Catalyst Prepare in the normal prep for import they don’t work. If I export them through Sony Catalyst Prepare as a 1080x60P they work because they get munched through a codec and come out a .mpg4 instead of .MTS files. One of the fixes I read was to add the numeral 2 manually to make them .m2ts files, did not work. Read it may be a driver conflict so I uninstalled BMD Media Express, did not work. This is a brand new editing system, there is almost nothing installed on it yet except Adobe MS 5.5. Very clean and capable with a new install of Master Collection 5.5. Running Windows 7 Pro with all of the latest updates installed. I run all my machines with auto update turned off. The issue is not the data rate, as in lack of power. Just getting a bug out of a new machine. I am on 5.5 because I don’t think I am going the CC route but I need these to work.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Tim Paynter April 18th, 2015, 07:01 PM Did you try to raise the level of audio in the audio file? Sometimes it gets set to zero and you can't hear the clip. Also, try exporting to audio audition to see if you can fix it there.
Paul R Johnson April 19th, 2015, 02:38 AM If you could post a short clip somewhere, maybe we could try it on ours and see if we have the same issue - might help track it down.
Ron Evans April 19th, 2015, 06:42 AM Did you try PlayMemories transfer? The file transfers from all the Sony software should end up as m2ts if transferred correctly. The Content browser and Catalyst do not do this correctly as they do not join files together just move the contents over to the PC. Content Management Utility 2.1 Content Management Utility Ver.2.1 : Download : Sony Middle East & Africa ( will do the joining correctly and is what I use for most of my Sony cameras ( NX5U and NX30U ). It is a little too old for XAVC etc so my latest cameras use PlayMemories. By the way m2ts is basically mpeg4 so that should have worked fine.
Ron Evans
Steven Digges April 20th, 2015, 09:15 AM Thanks Guys,
I will try Play Memory's, that is the only Sony software utility I have not tried yet. This is not a volume issue or a corrupt file issue. The audio is there. The clips play just fine in any other player. When they are imported into Premier it recognizes them as "video only" files. All audio options are grayed out. In premier there is no evidence of an audio track being there at all, but it is there.
Also, it does not matter witch camera they come from, I have tried a few of them. This problem is specific to the PS shooting mode at 1080x60P @ 28MBPS. Every other mode makes exactly the same file type and they work just fine. Weird.........???
Jeff Pulera April 20th, 2015, 12:03 PM Hi Steve,
You said you tried Media Browser for import, but did you also copy ENTIRE CONTENTS of SD card to hard drive first? You must have all the folders from card intact, as metadata is included that is important to the process.
CS5.5 is really old...if you make a living with video production, I think $20/mo. for CC would provide a reasonable return on investment. You have a brand-new machine, why use out-of-date software?
Bruce Watson April 20th, 2015, 03:15 PM CS5.5 is really old...if you make a living with video production, I think $20/mo. for CC would provide a reasonable return on investment. You have a brand-new machine, why use out-of-date software?
Probably because he doesn't want to rent software. If he wants to buy a license (which Adobe refuses to sell) the OP might be better off looking at DaVinci Resolve 12 ( It's shaping up to be a reasonable NLE, and an excellent color correction / grading package. And he doesn't have to rent it.
Ron Evans April 20th, 2015, 03:35 PM What other programs do you have on the PC. Do you have Sound Forge. Which should open a mts file and let you extract the audio which you could then put on the Premiere timeline. Not a Premiere solution I know but may get you into editing.
Sound Forge 11 and 9 on my PC will open 28Mbps 60P LPCM files from my NX30U.
Ron Evans
Steven Digges April 21st, 2015, 02:54 PM Hi Guys,
Yes, I imported the whole folder. In fact, just a few minutes ago I started from scratch with everything and tried again with the same bad result. I formatted the card, shot a new file, opened a new project etc, etc.
I am downloading Play Memories now, my third or fourth Sony Utility I have tried.
I have been with Adobe since the very first edition of Premier. I am really angry at Adobe for going the subscription route and I refuse to submit. "So what, it's only twenty bucks a month" some people say. The amount won't hurt me but the principal of it will. Open that door and when will it stop? So yes, I staled at 5.5. Now I will give someone else my business. I am leaning towards Sony Vegas.
I just counted seventeen Digital Juice products in my graphics library. I refuse to do business with them anymore too.
Don't get me started, this is a gentleman's forum and no one wants to hear my useless rant anyway.
Ron Evans April 21st, 2015, 04:40 PM Steve if you are going to look at another NLE look at Edius. There is a cross grade offer on now and Edius will play the files for you including the XAVC-L files from the X70 that people are having so much trouble with.
Ron Evans
Shaun Roemich April 21st, 2015, 05:12 PM Steve if you are going to look at another NLE look at Edius.
Ron, dumb question - will Edius live happily alongside Premiere CC2014? I'm looking at switching to PC after editing on Macs for 17 years (starting with Meridien AVID systems and then FCP1.0.2) and would like to TRY Edius but I'll be building an HP Z series around Premiere methinks...
Jim Andrada April 21st, 2015, 06:35 PM I don't know that now is the time to jump to Vegas - people are talking about its imminent demise as Sony moves to a different program.
Yes, Resolve 12 is looking good. I've been using 10 and 11 and will upgrade any day now.
Dave O'Melia April 22nd, 2015, 09:22 PM There's another way to look at it Ron. Cost is about $600 a year. I priced the whole package at around $2700. That means you get about 4 1/2 years worth. Most people upgrade (or ought to)!more frequently than that. This way, you are continuously updated. There are also a fair number of perks. Speedgrade is now included. My videos are much better than they used to be. Prwmiere has improved dramatically. I understand your irritation but it's working out for me.