View Full Version : PXW-X180 night news footage demo

Paul Anderegg
April 15th, 2015, 03:47 AM
Just a sampling of the last few days stories shot on my X180. These are in 720p60, shot in XDCAM HD422, using custom ITU709 multi-matrix vectorscope calibrated settings, detail OFF. Some 60p, some 1/30 shutter, a few even in 16 frame accumulation mode, no color correction or grading done, simply uploaded raw footage.

View on YouTube using Chrome to see how nice the 26mm wide angle pans look. :)

Tim Paynter
April 15th, 2015, 04:02 PM
What is causing the spectrum bleedthrough at the bottom of the screen?

Paul Anderegg
April 15th, 2015, 09:12 PM
YouTube apparently doesn't like XDCAM HD422 raw uploads. :-)


Robert Bale
April 16th, 2015, 05:34 PM
Hi Paul, Can you share your settings Please, e.g. what
Gamma Category
Gamma Select
Adaptive Matrix
Colour Matrix
White Balance


Tim Paynter
April 16th, 2015, 06:12 PM
I love your tips about how you get that close to law enforcement. Denver is very restrictive, like keeping you blocks from the action.

Doug Jensen
April 17th, 2015, 06:38 AM
Paul, I wish our local news looked that good. Nice work.

Paul Anderegg
April 17th, 2015, 02:20 PM
"Denver PD, step away from the news scene, and smoke some pot!" :)

Let me pull the settings for you........still a work in progress, but I see nothing to NOT like about them, all the colors are accurate enough, but I am a perfectionist!


Robert Bale
April 17th, 2015, 04:43 PM
"Denver PD, step away from the news scene, and smoke some pot!" :)

Let me pull the settings for you........still a work in progress, but I see nothing to NOT like about them, all the colors are accurate enough, but I am a perfectionist!


Hey paul looking forward to testing them, we have a Dawn (Sunrise Shoot to do this week) 3.30am start I will send you a few screen shots from it.

Paul Anderegg
April 17th, 2015, 08:47 PM
Here are my current working settings for STD5 gamma ITU-709 preset. These settings were used for the YouTube footage above.

Gamma 0.45, STD5
Knee 85% no slope adjustment
Aperture +25
Matrix On, Preset Matrix On 2:ITU-709
Multi Matrix On Hue/Saturation
B +1/+24
MG- -11/+31
R -9/+55
YL- +7/+32
YL -26/-18
YL+ -49/+30
G- -53/0
G+ -6/+98
CY -13/+99

These calibrations were done with a DSC cart on a vectorscope, but it didn't have a 2x gain adjustment, so I concentrated on getting the vectors correct, and making sure that the colors were balanced with each other. I toned yellow down just a slight bit in saturation, as it was smearing (noise) a bit on the scope. Took a bit of manipulating but got all the other colors as pretty round vector balls. :-)

When shooting 4:2:2, these colors are very intense, and I had to set the standard matrix to -10 saturation to get them to match the rest of my stations video footage. When i switched to 4:2:0, the -10 wasn't necessary, and the colors look just right. Make sure you toggle the Multi Matrix on and off prior to committing to the settings, as they have not been tested in daylight yet.


Robert Bale
April 18th, 2015, 08:20 AM
Thanks paul, I will let you know,