View Full Version : UWOL 33 - The results

Trond Saetre
April 9th, 2015, 01:39 AM
As always, many nice entries this round too.
Everyone of you received more than one vote. Well done!

The top 3 voted films:
1. Mick Jenner - The Dawn Chorus
2. Marj Atkins - Tranquility
3. Vishal Jadhav - Golden Hours

See you all next round!

Mick Jenner
April 9th, 2015, 02:42 AM
First I must say how shocked I am to have come first and to thank you for voting for my entry. I feel a little guilty when I read about the lengths some you went to in order to capture those golden moments when I only had to walk a few hundred yards along my lane.

Well done to Marj and Vishal as well as all the other entrants, there were some great films this round.

Trond thank you for all your organising. If you wish to enter the next challenge I would be quite happy to take on the co ordination of that round for you.


Andrew Hood
April 9th, 2015, 05:09 AM
Well done Mick. I think working in the entry's favour was taking the viewer on a journey. It was a definite story, and it included the theme in a specific way. Distance isn't everything - most of my trips were quite short. It's being able to get the shots you need that matters. And some of that needs experience and/or patience. I definitely need more of both. That and I struggle with the getting up early bit...

Well done to Marj and Vishal also. This round has provided quite a diverse set of films, and plenty of stunning scenery and wildlife.

And thankyou Trond for taking care of official proceedings. Only about 3 weeks till signup if the next one runs in May.

Mike Sims
April 9th, 2015, 05:59 AM
Congratulations Mick, Marj and Vishal! Well-done to all who finished a video. A big thank-you to Trond and also to Chris Hurd. See you next time.

Paul Wood
April 9th, 2015, 10:23 AM
Well done Mick!
Congrats too for Marj and Vishal.

I watched all the films and voted, but haven't commented yet - I will try over the weekend.

Vishal Jadhav
April 9th, 2015, 12:43 PM
Congrats Mick and Marj

Congrats to all who submitted the entries as those helped me learn a lot of how to make videos , guide story lines and other aspects,

I thank everyone for giving their feedbacks as those have made me realise what things need to be improved.


Geir Inge
April 10th, 2015, 12:59 AM
Congratulations Mick, a worthy winner.
Congratulations Marj and Vishal, two great contribution.
Also to the rest of "The wild bunch", great videos this round.
Thanks to you Trond and Chris for running the show.

Marj Atkins
April 11th, 2015, 01:36 AM
Good job Mick - some fascinating info on birds and beautifully recorded. (I would still like to know what happens to the spiders inside those cocoons!) Well done Vishal - so good to see footage of the wildlife and landscape of India and this time to get such good close-ups of the desert fox family and other denizens of the desert. Thanks once again to Trond and Chris for making this possible.

Trond Saetre
April 19th, 2015, 03:32 AM
Sorry for the delay adding the "winning film" and "runner up" badges to winning entries on vimeo.
I have been very busy with my yacht master exams last weeks and also now some technical issues with Vimeo giving me an "API" error message.
Trying to solve it, and the badges will be added as soon as this is sorted out.

Trond Saetre
April 20th, 2015, 02:05 AM
Problem solved, and the winner badges are now attached to the films on vimeo.

Mick Jenner
April 20th, 2015, 01:32 PM
Thanks for all your hard work and dedication. Best of luck with your sailing exams. Sailing is the one thing that comes naturally to me. Bit like people who can play instruments by ear, natural artists etc. But, ask me to explain how to sail I haven't a clue its just instinct.