View Full Version : Max file size on GH2

Terry Wall
April 6th, 2015, 09:01 AM
Hi, gang! I almost feel like an old timer posing a GH2 question today, but here goes...actually two questions: 1) From the time I bought my camera, I've been able to shoot continuously to an SD card, as long as I had media and battery life. One of the things I loved about this camera is that it DIDN'T break a long shot (like a memorial service), like some cameras do. Suddenly, the camera started breaking shots at around the 4GB point and I don't recall doing anything to have affected the change. What happened? Any thoughts?

2) I'm trying to find a way to reset the camera to the factory defaults, but can't find anything in the user manual that explains whether or not this is possible, and if so, how. I figure the Lumix experts here can offer some guidance here, too.

Thanks to all!

Fran Guidry
April 7th, 2015, 12:18 AM
I've never seen a GH cam shoot files bigger than 4GB. That's a limit of FAT32. Is it possible that you've changed a setting that resulted in larger file sizes per minute of shot time?

If shooting AVCHD the clips will span seamlessly and can be imported with various tools that stitch them into continuous files without gaps.


Vincent Oliver
April 7th, 2015, 09:31 AM
Maybe it's a setting in the Adobe suite. I know that my Canon XF305 shoot continuously for as long as the card and battery lasts, if you look at the footage it is in 4 gb chunks, which are automatically stitched together when you import the footage. Take a closer look as to how you are importing your files, I suspect an update in Adobe has changed something or another.