View Full Version : UWOL #33 - Golden sunshine - by Trond Saetre

Trond Saetre
April 1st, 2015, 12:34 PM
After struggling with crappy weather for a while (don't think we have had a single day (or maybe one or two) without any kind of wet elements falling from the sky so far in 2015), I grabbed my gear when the opportunity came.

Had the mountain all by myself while filming the sunrise. The colors weren't as great as I hoped for, so then I had to hike up one of the other mountains surrounding my hometown, Bergen, Norway.
What a reward I got! The sunset was amazing.
No color correcting or filters used, but the final shot was under exposed about 1 stop.

I am missing a lot of the shots I planned to actually make a story out of the video, but hopefully you enjoy watching anyway.

Feedback level 1.
Especially what I could have done better, given the very little footage and lack of variation of shots I have.
When filming the tree during sunrise, at 0:08, there is some flickering of the background image. Anyone knows what might cause this? Usually I only see this if I am using too much of the "shadow / highlight" filter, but no editing or filters were applied to this shot at all.

UWOL 33 - Golden Sunshine on Vimeo

Kevin Railsback
April 1st, 2015, 03:16 PM

It looks just like compression artifacts to me.

Mike Sims
April 1st, 2015, 04:01 PM
Actually, I think you did an excellent job of making an interesting story out of these shots and I rather enjoyed it. To add some shot variation you might have done one of the shots we have seen you use before with you walking on the trail to go with the line “Up another mountain I went…” I thought the colors were well saturated but the shot at 0:22 looks a bit soft. Perhaps because of the morning haze? I agree with Kevin that the tree clip has some compression artifacts. If you are seeing the flickering you mentioned in the native footage I think it may be because the light is low and that shot has such complex shadows. You may be seeing more color noise than you are used to seeing from your camera (which is otherwise very good in that respect). The added noise will also lead to the problems in compression. All in all, I think you made a great video. Thanks for showing us how it is done!

Trond Saetre
April 1st, 2015, 10:46 PM
Thanks guys. The "noise" in the tree clip is barely visible in the original footage. So I guess you are right, that the compression is to be blamed.

Vishal Jadhav
April 3rd, 2015, 12:28 PM

I like the starting against the light shots an also the sunset , very lovely.

Not sure the panning is jittery or it appears to be so when i replay it.

Some of the shots are so nice that i felt i needed some more of them , would like a bigger video from you .

About the processing bit, i am very much a novice.


Trond Saetre
April 3rd, 2015, 01:45 PM
Not sure the panning is jittery or it appears to be so when i replay it.
You are right about the panning. It is actually played 4x normal speed, and this caused it.
Original panning was done very slow, but I desided to speed it up to include a little more of the scenery.
Compression/encoding for vimeo also made it a little worse quality than I hoped for.

Mick Jenner
April 5th, 2015, 02:33 AM
Hi Trond.

I can't add much to what has already been said. I did like the colours you have achieved without adding any enhancing effects.You have some good stock footage there, well done.


Andrew Hood
April 5th, 2015, 04:29 AM
Well Trond, it looks like you got a good workout trekking up the local hills. The sunset footage was definitely worth it, the colours came out very well, and I don't think 1 stop under is a problem there, it is getting dark after all, so it's fine if it looks like it.
Hopefully the weather is more helpful next round.

Trond Saetre
April 6th, 2015, 01:27 AM
Mick and Andrew, thank you for the feedback.

Marj Atkins
April 6th, 2015, 11:25 AM
Hey Trond

I am so glad to see that your last weekend finally brought you the good weather you had been hoping for and that you were able to film such a fabulous sunset even if at the eleventh hour. Your entry is short and sweet. Hope you will have better success next time though. :)