Rob Philip
March 24th, 2015, 07:37 PM
Not sure if this is the right forum. I'm shooting with a 60Da, with UV/IR cut filter and a Canon 15-85. I want to shoot in Technicolor Cinestyle and add the Cinestyle LUT later, before I go on to edit. My problem is that I use iMovie, I don't have anything beyond iMovie 10, the Yosemite version. I tried using Davinci Resolve lite and I was able to get it work, however it seems to have some dropped frames and overall it is very complicated to use. I can't get it to export my clips back individually either, it combines them into one long clip.
What I'm looking for is a simple program that will allow me to apply the LUT to my clips and export them individually like they came in. I want to then edit the footage in iMovie and do any further correction there. Is there a program or plugin that can help me? Is there a better way to do this? I want the ability to use Cinestyle because I like the enhanced look it achieves, but I can't quite figure out a (free) simple solution.
Thank you in advance!
What I'm looking for is a simple program that will allow me to apply the LUT to my clips and export them individually like they came in. I want to then edit the footage in iMovie and do any further correction there. Is there a program or plugin that can help me? Is there a better way to do this? I want the ability to use Cinestyle because I like the enhanced look it achieves, but I can't quite figure out a (free) simple solution.
Thank you in advance!