View Full Version : PXW-X180 cannot stream HD or SD?

Paul Anderegg
March 22nd, 2015, 01:23 PM
It can however stream a variety of less than HD proxy or web type resolutions. Pretty sad, I was almost about to put the X180 over the X160 in my to buy list to do live shots for my station on our Teradeck, but 360p.......ugh.

Per the manual.

“Size” (“Streaming”)
Set the size and bit rate of the video for the
“640 × 360”: 3 Mbps (VBR)
“480 × 270”: 1 Mbps (VBR)
“480 × 270”: 0.5 Mbps (VBR)


Jack Zhang
March 24th, 2015, 06:49 PM
The X180 already needs massive cooling to cool it's CPU. There's not enough power to encode 2 HD streams at the same time inside that package.

The X200 use an external proxy encoder specifically to encode in HD:

Sony CBK-WA100 Wireless LAN / Modem Adapter with SDI CBKWA100