Doug Dunderdale
March 10th, 2015, 01:53 PM
Okay, it seems clear that FCPX still can't handle the XAVC-L files. How about Premiere? Avid? FCP 7?
View Full Version : Which edit software can read X70's XAVC-L files? Doug Dunderdale March 10th, 2015, 01:53 PM Okay, it seems clear that FCPX still can't handle the XAVC-L files. How about Premiere? Avid? FCP 7? David Dixon March 10th, 2015, 02:46 PM This has been covered many times in earlier threads, but here goes: Premiere and Edius handle it natively and imports directly. Avid did not until a recent plugin update. FCPX will not, but we're told it will be solved with either an upcoming plugin update or rolled into the next FCPX update. FCP7? Will probably never work native. In the meantime, FCPX (and 7) have to transcode to ProRes. This can be done by: Sony Catalyst Browse (free) with the caveat that although Sony finally created an update that does batch transcoding instead of one file at a time, this batch transcoding seems to add a gamma shift that lowers contrast and lightens blacks. EditReady - Divergent Media (ClipWrap folks) $49 (What I'm using) Sony Catalyst Prepare - $200 There may be others, but these are the only ones I know about. Doug Dunderdale March 10th, 2015, 03:15 PM Excellent summary. Thanks! I had been going through the previous threads but was having a hard time finding up-to-date info on the various NLE's. How about Vegas? I've heard conflicting info about whether that app can read the files. Thanks again! David Dixon March 10th, 2015, 03:31 PM Sorry, as a 25-year Mac-only computer user, I never think about Windows-only software. No, Vegas will not import the files either, but I read just a few days ago that the next upgrade to Vegas (maybe later this month??) will add compatibility with these files. Glad to be of help! Mike Griffiths March 27th, 2015, 10:32 PM I just tried Red Shark Lightworks the free version and it seems to load and edit OK without the need for Browse or Prepare. I've not used Lightworks so I can't comment on anything more, but worth a try as it's free! I'm now going to learn how to edit with it! ( BTW, I'm a Mac user) Jim Stamos March 28th, 2015, 12:42 AM Edius handles it no problem. |