Vince Pachiano
March 8th, 2015, 09:52 PM
Back in the day, I took pains to capture the entire tape into one large AVI file.
Now, I want to split that AVI file into multiple smaller files based on the Shooting Date.
Can anyone suggest a utility that automates this process.
Brian Dollemore
March 9th, 2015, 03:06 AM
A cheap (free!) and cheerful little prog called WinDV handles the capture from tape, if that's what you're after. The start of every new clip triggers its own label - date and time, plus serial number if more than one clip started in the course of a particular second.
Vince Pachiano
March 9th, 2015, 09:17 AM
A cheap (free!) and cheerful little prog called WinDV handles the capture from tape, if that's what you're after. The start of every new clip triggers its own label - date and time, plus serial number if more than one clip started in the course of a particular second.
I already have the AVI files captured from several hundred tapes.
I was hoping for a program that would process the AVI files rather than re-import the tape.
I googled SPLIT AVI, and there are several candidates.
They all seem to require that you manually enter the start-stop time of the split.
I was looking for something that would detect the date change, and split the AVI along those lines
Brian Dollemore
March 9th, 2015, 10:08 AM
Ah - I was afraid that was the case. Sorry that I can't help.
Don Palomaki
March 11th, 2015, 07:06 AM
Home of AVCutty (
Might be worth checking. However, the reports are not clear as to how automatic it really is, and I have not used it.
Jim Michael
March 11th, 2015, 11:22 AM
Might ffmpeg work? Cut part from video file from start position to end position with FFmpeg - Super User (