View Full Version : First wedding shoot with FS7 - freaking out!

Ian Whelan
March 8th, 2015, 07:30 AM
SO finally after selling my FS700 and C100, I took my new FS7 out for my first wedding yesterday and now I'm in transcoding hell! I shot XAVC-L at 50 Mbps. First I tried to transcode it to DNxHD using Catalyst Prepare and the results were appalling. The picture is completely breaking up in Sony Vegas. I can transcode to MP4 and it seems to work, but it seems to defeat the purpose of having the FS7. I'm currently transcoding the clips to XAVC-I and the resulting files are MASSIVE. What can I do - any one else have the same issues? I'm getting ready to shoot a doc for TV next week using the FS7 as my camera - but I really need to fix the workflow issues. Any help appreciated! (I miss my FS700).

Doug Jensen
March 8th, 2015, 07:43 AM
Didn't you run any workflow tests with the new codec before you went out and actually shot job with it? If that codec is not compatible with Vegas you could have, and should have, chosen another.
BTW, Adobe Premiere handles every codec the FS7 can shoot natively and effortlessly.

Ian Whelan
March 8th, 2015, 08:08 AM
Hi Doug - I did one short film that ran smoothly - but on reflection, I think I used a different setting in camera for that. The quirks of a new camera I guess! I'm actually going to move over to Premiere, just hard to get used to using a new software package when I'm used to using Vegas. Loving the FS7 Master Class BTW - will be studying it hard this week...

Doug Jensen
March 8th, 2015, 08:24 AM
Hi Ian,

Sorry I can't offer a solution for Vegas, but it really points out how critical it is to check the entire workflow from start to finish before using new settings on a real shoot. Have you tried contacting Sony to see if Vegas is supposed to work with XAVC-L? Good luck sorting it out.

Dave Sperling
March 8th, 2015, 08:35 AM
I also was surprised that Vegas hadn't yet added the ability to deal with XAVC-L.

The fact that Catalyst Browse can deal with transcoding out of it can be a lifesaver if you aren't working in Premier. Note that you have a number of choices in catalyst, not just the output format, but also its parameters.

But in terms of the file size -- I'm assuming that the reason why you shot in XAVC-L rather than XAVC-I in the first place was that the XAVC-I files are much larger -- so don't be surprised that when you transcode back to it you're dealing with larger files. Or you could go for even larger files and transcode to prores.

So as Doug says, before you start shooting your doc shoot some test footage and send it through the editing process to make sure everything is worked out before you start shooting.

Then do some calculations to figure out how much memory and hard drive space you are going to need. Remember, there are a lot of variables here, based not just on record format but on frame rate and image size as well. When I do shoots for clients I normally multiply their record time estimates by 1.5x - 2x to determine how much memory to bring.

Doug Jensen
March 8th, 2015, 08:51 AM
And don't forget about good old MPEG HD422. It's a rock solid performer and compatible with everything. So if you want lower bit-rates, but Vegas can't handle XAVC-L yet, then use MPEG (if you won't need to grade the footage). I'll bet nobody could tell the difference between XAVC-I, XAVC-L, and MPEG unless you got into heavy grading. Ian, you mentioned my FS7 Master Class earlier, and you might be interested to know that all of my on-camera shots and anything where you see the FS7 in the shot was recorded with MPEG on my F55 to save space on the cards. No need to use premium fuel when regular will do just fine for some circumstances.

Christopher Young
March 8th, 2015, 09:39 AM
Have you tried contacting Sony to see if Vegas is supposed to work with XAVC-L? Good luck sorting it out.

Sony Vegas news covering native XAVC-L @ 50-mbit can be followed here:

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Monday Isa
March 8th, 2015, 09:43 AM
Hi Ian,
Sony Vegas is supposed to be releasing an update to import XAVC-L natively this month. One user on this board posted about it. As Doug mentioned I have been shooting Mpeg422 for now with the FS7 and having to switch to XAVC-I for slow-motion shots that are needed. Then once completed switch back. It is frustrating having to shoot this way but it's the only way to be able to edit footage with Vegas as it edits both of those codecs. Converting is the only option you have now unless they release the expected update or you switch over to Premiere. Good Luck