View Full Version : HD Sunglasses

Josh Hayes
March 5th, 2015, 03:42 PM
Hey folks. Has there been any kind of a discussion comparing glasses that you can film with. I'm thinking about getting a pair to film street scenes (i've been working on a documentary about folks homeless for 6 years). I recently saw a video where someone was wearing a pair of glasses like that walking down the street (i emailed the filmmaker and that's how I found out) and it was so much more authentic then when you walk down the street holding a camera that effects everybody as they become aware of it. And obviously there's a whole discussion about the morals/ethics of it.

But anyway, has anybody used any of these kinds of cameras? It needs to be 1920 to cut with the rest of the film (shot of GH2-GH4, but its ok that the quality will be totally different.

Josh Hayes
March 10th, 2015, 02:31 AM
Btw, here's the link to the aforementioned video. Shot in San Francisco's Tenderloin District. A heavily impoverished area but one with an often understated and misunderstood vibrancy that goes deeper that one might now upon first examination. I work in the "TL" fairly often on my documentary "The Invisible Class" ( and while I've had permission to shoot many places the POV look and unflinching naturalness of this walk through with video sunglasses is arresting. it's what I think we'd like to emulate.

Homeless in the USA, Tenderloin, San Francisco : The Roots - Dear God 2.0 on Vimeo