View Full Version : Tascam DR10X

Gary A. Smith
March 1st, 2015, 06:57 AM
Hello, has anyone used one of these new audio recorders?
It attaches to a hand mic and records the audio to a micro SD. Basically a small digital audio recorder.
Any thoughts as to cons of this product apart from not being able to monitor it in real time.



Andy Wilkinson
March 1st, 2015, 07:17 AM

See comments in this thread.

Rick Reineke
March 1st, 2015, 10:04 AM
AFAIK, it does not offer Phantom Power, so boom use, would need a self-powered (or external PS) mic.
It looks like a plastic case, so would survive a drop to concrete? I like to have a few just the same.
The lavaliere mic DR-10C throughput models are not currently available in the US.

Jay Massengill
March 1st, 2015, 01:33 PM
That's an interesting legal read.

It's too bad a license fee couldn't have been worked out for the lav mic to Tx pass-through models, the two brands' devices are intended for such dramatically different markets and price ranges.

Like 10X price difference and top of the line pro features versus regular everyday users... but I understand their point and desire to protect their patents.

I only wanted one to use with an orphan wireless lav element, I didn't even want to transmit the signal, just record it.

Greg Miller
March 1st, 2015, 05:41 PM
Does somebody make a lav with a battery inside an extended XLR connector? Of course that starts to make your entire setup needlessly large and ungainly.

Jay Massengill
March 1st, 2015, 06:29 PM
Yes I can buy a power supply for the lav element, and have done that for some of my orphaned AKG lavs when those frequencies became illegal. AKG had low-cost phantom adapters too, so that was an easy choice. If I could spend $150 or less for a recorder with the correct lav connector versus $100 for an XLR power supply I'd rather do that. I was excited when Tascam announced them.

If someone would make a totally in-line battery-powered XLR to XLR barrel phantom power device that would be handy to use with the DR-10X the OP is asking about. No boxes or cables, just a barrel.

I would probably just use a dynamic mic, or one of my ATM31a or ATM10 battery powered mics with the DR-10X recorder for interview style work. Or my K6/ME64 if it was positioned as a planted recorder.

The DR-10X does have a headphone jack, so you could monitor while recording. If I was at a distance, I would connect one of the Wi transmitters to the headphone output and monitor it from afar.

Hopefully someone will actually use one and report on it.

Richard Crowley
March 2nd, 2015, 10:43 AM
More stupid lawyer tricks. The claim that a wireless transmitter and recording in the same device is somehow an "invention" is like Research In Motion claiming that they "invented" the idea of transmitting email wirelessly. Since the TEAC gadgets don't transmit, what exactly is the "infringement" here anyway?

The DR-10x appears to be for sale here;
Tascam DR-10X Plug-On Micro Linear PCM Recorder (XLR) DR-10X B&H