View Full Version : My USB packaging.
Clive McLaughlin February 27th, 2015, 11:10 AM Just wanted to know what you thought. Took some inspiration from Danny @Mintyslippers and decided to go about creating a unique deliverable that only my clients will have. A lot of time and effort, but I think it's worth it. Social media have seemed to be impressed thus far.
If you are taking £1000/1500 per wedding, surely £10/15 per client on their physical product is reasonable?
I sourced the boxes, the insert and the USB all from separate companies.
What do you guys think?
Steven Davis February 27th, 2015, 11:15 AM I really like it. Will you vary it between projects? I've thought about going to usb delivery, but I'm not sure what the market would think about it.
Clive McLaughlin February 27th, 2015, 11:17 AM Its definitely the smart way to go STteven, it's just the clients don't know it. That's why I made a video presenting my USB product which explains the benefits and uses of USB. I'm pretty sure I'll win the clients over!
Steven Davis February 27th, 2015, 11:41 AM Its definitely the smart way to go STteven, it's just the clients don't know it. That's why I made a video presenting my USB product which explains the benefits and uses of USB. I'm pretty sure I'll win the clients over!
That's pretty smart. I've been shooting long form and adding a cinematic short on the end for ever, but I'm trying to move more towards something that is not so long, so that might be easier to put on a thumb drive.
Clive McLaughlin February 27th, 2015, 12:08 PM Steven, I was in that boat too. I decided to run two packages side by side. New package being 20min film, 4min highlights and Speeches. I then emailed all my long-form clients to let them know. AT least 90% of them opted to switch to the shorter package. I then decided the time was right to scrap the long form pacagae.
I was shocked, but glad! You might be surprised yourself!
Kyle Root February 27th, 2015, 12:51 PM That's slick man. Will you share your sourcing the materials? lol
Anthony McErlean March 2nd, 2015, 07:35 AM Just wanted to know what you thought.
Hi Clive, its a good idea going USB delivery, what's the feedback like from the brides?
I wouldn't get anything near those prices unfortunately :(
Presentation - that looks good to me Clive.
Leon Bailey March 4th, 2015, 06:30 PM I like it! Looks real clean. I offer USB as well, but not strictly. Comes with certain packages.
Nate Haustein March 4th, 2015, 06:34 PM Really nice.
With all the time that goes into designing (and cutting out!) DVD labels and jackets, surely the premium price for this little package is worth it - though I suppose you need to order them up 100 at a time...
Steven Davis June 1st, 2016, 10:54 AM I still like this packaging. I'm considering wafer drives atm and having a fit trying to find a box that will fit it.
Nathan Buck June 1st, 2016, 03:55 PM I like it. I just whack a USB in a Jiffy bag and stick it in the post! I guess I could pass it off as 'hipster'? Haha.
Seriously though now that I have some branding sorted I need to work on my delivery!
Pete Cofrancesco June 1st, 2016, 04:30 PM I get the feeling Clive must love bacon
Andrew Maclaurin June 2nd, 2016, 06:30 AM This is our second season using USBs. They have been well received. We have a box with our logo as well but I don't have one at hand.
Steven Davis June 2nd, 2016, 12:15 PM This is our second season using USBs. They have been well received. We have a box with our logo as well but I don't have one at hand.
Hey Andrew,
I've been looking all week for a box that would secure the wafer drive, if I could ask, where did you find yours, you can msg me if you want to.
Andrew Maclaurin June 2nd, 2016, 03:01 PM Hi Steven,
we have a supplier here in Spain who hand makes them for 10€ each box. The box is about 15x15cm and 3cm deep. I'm not sure if it would be worth your while getting these boxes sent to the USA. I can look into it next week if you want.
Steven Davis June 2nd, 2016, 03:15 PM I'd appreciate it, I can find generic boxes, but even who makes the wafers, doesn't offer a nice wedding style case. I found a place in Switzerland, but waiting to hear back for sure. I haven't found any US suppliers of a wafer case that looks like a wedding.
Andrew Maclaurin June 3rd, 2016, 04:29 AM
Caja Tarjeta
It's not the best photo.
Steven Davis June 3rd, 2016, 07:22 AM Thanks Andrew, I ran across them in my search, I contacted them to see if they can help. (after Chrome translated the page ofcourse.)
Steven Digges June 4th, 2016, 08:21 PM Great Job Clive! That screams class and professional presentation. You are a far cry ahead of saying "your video is ready, go here to download it". I would put a couple of business cards in the box under the cardboard holder so they could be found later after they pull the jump drive out.
Kind Regards,
Jon Robertson June 5th, 2016, 04:14 AM Looking good folks. Agonised over packaging myself recently and settled on a DVD/USB combo. My films are still long form with short highlights but I intend to work on a short form version of things and push that so I can get a better quality onto the USB. Here's what I have just now.
Jon Robertson June 5th, 2016, 04:18 AM hmmmm. pics didn't upload......
Jon Robertson June 5th, 2016, 04:24 AM Here we go......
Steven Davis June 6th, 2016, 09:44 AM Just wanted to know what you thought. Took some inspiration from Danny @Mintyslippers and decided to go about creating a unique deliverable that only my clients will have. A lot of time and effort, but I think it's worth it. Social media have seemed to be impressed thus far.
If you are taking £1000/1500 per wedding, surely £10/15 per client on their physical product is reasonable?
I sourced the boxes, the insert and the USB all from separate companies.
What do you guys think?
Found your boxing via... 25252Fusb-packaging%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=CLCHinkFykY9eM%253A%252CbWFtnCVDAq4mEM%252C_&usg=___e6Lf2zmKcDbCcjY_B1YQphUzN4%3D&biw=1280&bih=899&ved=0ahUKEwjM3tXw2ZPNAhUDwYMKHfCPCkEQyjcISw&ei=0pRVV8ytEIOCjwTwn6qIBA#imgrc=k1InY_ndoLzsUM%3A
Chris Harding June 6th, 2016, 05:46 PM Value for money is always increased multiple times over if the bride receives a well presented physical product ... These guys in the UK have some nice products Prestigious Disc & USB Combination Cases - Presentation Flash Drive / Cases (
If you can grab some stills off the video or even take some yourself then I have seen some really neat albums that allow for photos on half a dozen pages and then a mounting space for disks and USB's ...long gone are the days when your bride was presented with a huge white album box and opened it to find a white linen album wrapped in tissue paper ... It might sound corny but the perceived value to the bride increases massively if you take a bit of time and present an impressive looking product and not just a USB tossed into an envelope!!
Steven Davis June 7th, 2016, 06:44 AM I've spent the past week trying to find a distributor for printing packaging for the credit card drive, and most everything I find is over seas. My normal printer doesn't have anything creative, most US printers have basic usb boxes.
Steve Burkett June 7th, 2016, 08:53 AM Value for money is always increased multiple times over if the bride receives a well presented physical product ... These guys in the UK have some nice products Prestigious Disc & USB Combination Cases - Presentation Flash Drive / Cases (
It might sound corny but the perceived value to the bride increases massively if you take a bit of time and present an impressive looking product and not just a USB tossed into an envelope!!
Thanks Chris for the link. Its something I've been thinking of. Its expensive, but as you say, its value to customers can't be overlooked.
Danny O'Neill June 16th, 2016, 01:59 PM Those are some nice boxes. Ours are always well received.
For those who print their own custom boxes or cases you really can save time and get a better image by just using a branded Disk and packaging. We get them printed in bulk and it saves so much time than doing layouts and printing. Its only ever a unique selling point if you make it one.
Kyle Root June 17th, 2016, 04:45 AM This year, I decided to try the Asukabook DVD presentation books (they also make USB, but I'm still doing DVD delivery).
They're a little pricey at about $70/each for the book, but I think this will be a unique way to give the DVD to them. I use the 12-page album option, and simply drag and drop some of the photographers photos in there.
Professional DVD Presentation Book for Images, Presentations and Slideshows | AsukaBook USA (