View Full Version : Capturing Problem

Ben Bixby
October 13th, 2005, 02:52 PM
I've seen tons and tons of threads about capturing the native HDV off the FX1. I used Vegas for my first little video and it captured it as an .avi. I want to capture the native .m2t file. I wanted to do this through CapDVHS or VLC but cannot figure out how to do it in either program. I can't find any explanation of this in the forum nor a help file. CapDVHS gives me a "Error: Cannot connect Sample Grabber." Can someone help me?

-Thanks - Ben Bixby

John Rofrano
October 13th, 2005, 09:37 PM
I have not used CapDVHS or VLC so I can’t help there.

What version of Vegas are you using? If you are using Vegas 6.0 then you need to select the internal HD capture utility from File > Capture menu. If you are using Vegas 5 then you can use ConnectHD from CineForm.

In either case your FX1 must be set to send HD over firewire. If you captured an AVI file, it sounds like you have your FX1 set to DV downconvert mode. You need to turn this off.

On the FX1 use: MENU -> IN/OUT REC -> I.LINK CONV = OFF

Then plug your FX1 into your PC. That should make CapDVHS and VLC recognize the camera as HD instead of DV/SD.


Ben Bixby
October 13th, 2005, 10:12 PM
Wow, after i captured it with my Vegas 6 software and went in and watched it, you can totally tell the difference. Thanks for the help! It's greatly appreciated. I'll have to upload some footage for some people to download, this FX1 is FXcellent.

Ben Bixby