Eric Descarpentri
October 13th, 2005, 02:10 PM
this is a French test of Pal 50i XL H1 with somes Video clips at Low light with an witout Gain (5lx > 50 lx)
AF reactivity
AE reactivity
Iam the author of this test if you have some questions ...... (I prefer in French ;-)) )
Robert Niemann
October 13th, 2005, 05:57 PM
Hello Eric,
I thank You very much for the videos. Unfortunately i do not understand French. But I guess, that You did not write a lot about 25F and cine settings - have You tried it out, and if so, what are Your experiences? Is it possible for You to shoot two resolution charts (1080i/50 and 1080i/25F)? Okay, the camera is capable to smear, as I can see it, but what about colour aberration!? For me it looks, that there is a lot in the low light videos with the lamp - look at the edges.
Chris Luker
October 14th, 2005, 05:08 PM
C'est tres bien fait. Merci! Est ce qu'il existe des autres essaies en ce genre (Xl1, Xl2...).
Je viens juste de commencer en video (12 ans de son...) et ces forums m'aide beaucoup! Je vais m'inscrire a la votre...
Desole pour le mauvais Francais, je suis au States...
Eric Descarpentri
October 15th, 2005, 01:33 AM
sorry for my english .-)
For me 25P HDV and 25P DV from XL H1 is very bad look with very visible frames in normal speed panoramic
JVC HD100 have very good cinéframe for 24/25P look like a 16mm or 35mm film
XL H1 look like a very cheap 25P camcorder mode for me is not the current mode for this HDV camcorder ils a good 1080i and for 24/25P movies use the software conversion for the best pictures
I dont have 25P vidéo clips bicause i make the test in few hours and the 25p clips on the tape are deleted by mistake ...
at my first contact with this camcorder I see immediately the very very poor viewfinder resolution ?????? for me its impossible to make a good shoot with this viewfinder
focusing is difficult
and picture exposition is never look precise for shooting witout a good color video monitor HD or SD .
mesuring colors aberration demand a very complete testing in good and bad condition of subject and light
my testing is too short for decide to the real picture quality is bad or good ???
Robert Niemann
October 15th, 2005, 09:50 AM
Hello Eric,
I thank You again. But what do You mean by "visible frames"? And is it possible for You to draw some comparisons regarding the cine look of the HD100 and the XL H1? Or, in other words, what is it, that makes You say, the XL H1 picture does not look like film?
Eric Descarpentri
October 15th, 2005, 10:45 AM
difficult to explain for me :-)
XL H1 have Flikering same as High shutter speed on cheap camcorder not really pleasant for the spectator I tested the two camcorder the same day vith the same subject (panoramic an moving person)
GYHD100 have same rendering of the Pana AGDVX100 25p on computer screen or Hig def monitor the picture is more pleasant on panoramic or movement objects on picture
Karl Heiner
October 15th, 2005, 11:01 AM
viele dank fuer diesen bericht.
leider konnte ich nichts lesen, da ich kein franzoesich spreche, aber die bilder haben doch schon viel gezeigt.
vielen dank nochmals
Damien Belleville
October 20th, 2005, 04:47 PM
Merci pour le test Eric! Très bien écrit, très complet!
Petite question : peut on enregistrer tout en ayant un signal sortant par le firewire? (J'utilise un laptop comme écran de contrôle, et je sais pas si Canon le permet.)
Eric Descarpentri
October 20th, 2005, 05:05 PM
j'ai malheureusement du reprendre le texte (grrrrrr) mais je reprendrais quand le materiel sera disponible a la vente
elle a toutes les possibilités
sortie SDI HSDI en direct caméra ou par la cassette HDV
entré sortie audio Vidéo composite et YC
sortie composante seule
entrée genlock
entré sortie timecode
pass thought pour convertir de l'analogique en 1394
je n'ai pas eu le temps de verifier les downconversion HDV > DV 1394 ?? ni dans quel format cela se fait 4/3 ou 16/9
sortie 1394 pendant l'enregistrement sur bande
mais attention le 1080i est tres gourmand en ressources donc avec première pro oublie seul CapDVHS m'a permis de capturer sur mon portable centrino 1.7
Damien Belleville
October 20th, 2005, 05:10 PM
Nikel merci pour toutes les infos!!
Bon bah je vais commencer a cuisiner mon patron pour les investissements 2006 alors... ;)