View Full Version : Canon Video Sample Gallery by Camera Model

Eric C. Petrie
February 20th, 2015, 03:13 PM
Canon has this very neat page that has several sample videos for each Cinema EOS camera they make. There's a wide variety of categories of styles of videos to choose from as well.

They just uploaded a new video for the C100mkII called Orphan Cars.

Take a look, there's lots of fun stuff.

Gallery - Cinema & Motion Picture Cameras | Canon Cinema EOS (

Eric Petrie
Finance the Canon C100 starting at $129 a month
Finance the Sony FS7 starting at $248 a month

Noa Put
February 20th, 2015, 04:49 PM
That's basically one big advertisement space filled with videos from sponsored videographers, since all those video's are hosted on Vimeo anyway you are better off just to directly go to Vimeo and search for any usergroups like this one: or this one: where you will get a much broader view on videos from people that are not all sponsored by Canon.