Kevin Lewis
February 17th, 2015, 10:19 PM
Here's a Save the Date video that I did a few months back. Although I've been a member here for a few years, this is my first time posting my work on the forum.Feel free to leave feedback, thanks!
Save the Date on Vimeo
Adrian Tan
February 18th, 2015, 01:07 AM
Cute video! Had a slightly Wes Anderson feel.
I enjoyed the way you found a variety of activities for them to do. I know that when I've got a couple in a park, I've racked my brains to think of anything at all apart from walk, talk, gaze and kiss.
Liked the shot where they're walking up either side of the stage. I think walking shots get boring fast unless there's something interesting, like that, on top of them.
Technically, looked to me like you used high frame rate, for some reason, for at least part of it. Did you shoot in slow motion, but later opt for normal speed?
It's a shame that some of the shots towards the end of the video had people in the background, and then the road with cars. Felt more like a fairytale just-us-two-alone-in-the-world kind of thing before other humans showed up.
Kevin Lewis
February 18th, 2015, 08:32 AM
Hi Adrian thanks for the feed back. I actually shot the video with a frame rate of 30p and shutter at 60. The reason I was able to show so many different activities, is because I took the couple to three different parks.Its a fun video and they were happy with it.