View Full Version : Ideal lens solution for F5 & F55, review Canon 17-120mm servo

Eric C. Petrie
February 11th, 2015, 06:29 PM
Here is a nice, concise, review of the Canon 17-120mm servo cine zoom. The reviewer uses it on a Sony F5. I personally have also recently shot with that combo and found it extremely enjoyable.

Canon CN7x17 KAS lens review by SPARKY FILM on Vimeo

Eric Petrie
Lease the Canon C100 for $129 a month
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Bill Ward
February 12th, 2015, 09:09 AM
Good lord, someone get that model a cheeseburger before she wastes away. Would have been nice to mention how much it weighed. Maybe The Google Box can tell me.

Robin Probyn
February 14th, 2015, 07:47 PM
I have the exact same combo as the video.. and agree with everything said.. the only really all in one zoom s35mm out there.. yes I tried the cabrio.. but 17-120 is a better range.. for tiny bit of extra weight and abut 2 cm length..

It weighs 2.9 kg.. also had the same Vocas plate shifted up.. but now have the new Zacuto universal plate to get the shoulder pad right under the lens mount.. and a big battery on the back.. camera is now 8kg with everything on it.. lens/mattbox/top/side plate /handle/battery.. wish it could be lighter.. but worth it for me not to have to lug around and worry about other lenses,or change lenses in non ideal environments .. I also moved my vocas handle grip the other way round so its not front heavy when carrying the camera around .. wish I,d done that before a recent 4 week shoot !

If the balance is right its easier than holding a 5D out infront of you.. but shoulder pads like the Arri that you cant move way up forwards its tough.. Zacuto have been clever to address the "new" balance point of these s35mm camera,s with 35mm cine lenses.. its basically under the lens mount now..

Totally fine on any 100mm bowl tripod.. I would recommend support rods and lens support .. the lens has a port in the front .. just to be on the safe side..

John Cummings
February 16th, 2015, 08:31 AM
Thanks for that review.

The dof seems to fall off nicely for a wide zoom. While not mentioned, I assume it was shot pretty wide open to get that nice fall off of focus. I would have liked to see it in a controlled indoor interview scenario to judge dof, breathing and bokeh.

I could see travelling with just that zoom and my 11-16 for the real wide stuff...maybe a prime or two for interviews, if needed. What a great glass. Wish I could afford it!

Bill, she's perfect. No cheeseburger required.

Robin Probyn
February 16th, 2015, 07:32 PM
There is no noticeable breathing at all.. I use it for interviews the time.. 11 blade iris gives nice bokeh.. up to 90mm its 2.8 slight ramp to 3.5 90-120.. outside never a problem.. and just an iris tweak if your at 2.8..

Agreed the model does not need a cheese burger..