View Full Version : Slideshow of Sacramento

Chuck Spaulding
February 7th, 2015, 09:13 PM
This is about the slowest I've seen this forum, so I thought I'd post something.

I went to a trade show in Sacramento and decided to leave all of my equipment home. I just took my 5D3 with a 24-105 and shot stills for fun. So this is just a slideshow of me walking around Sacramento and Auburn CA.


Chuck Spaulding
February 22nd, 2015, 12:32 AM
What I don't get is that it shows 180 views of this thread but Vimeo only shows 17 view of the video. I realize its not Gone With The Wind or anything but why do 180 people view the thread and only seventeen actually click on the video?

Oren Arieli
February 22nd, 2015, 11:12 AM
Add my view to the count. Not sure why Vimeo isn't registering more hits. Maybe people were intrigued enough to open the thread, but not continue with the video?
I though it was nicely edited, and it looked like you had a great time in Sacto. I don't get over there too often, even though I'm only about 2 hours away.