View Full Version : Where can I buy XHA1 parts?

Andy Wason
February 3rd, 2015, 12:00 PM
I need a ribbon cable FCP assembly (Thanks again Colin for the parts manual!) The only place I can find it online is in Australia, but they don't ship to Canada. Funnily enough it looks like Sears used to sell parts for it through their network, but don't any more. If I can get my hands on a broken XHA! for parts that'll probably do.

Don Palomaki
February 4th, 2015, 06:37 AM
Have you tried calling the Canon parts number in the USA? They might be able to help you.
In the USA: (800) 385-2155. Not sure how the 800 numbers work from Canada.
or on-line at: Canon Online Store | Digital Cameras, DSLRs, Lenses, Printers & More (