View Full Version : A question about 16bpc editing

Jeremy Lee
February 2nd, 2015, 11:12 AM
I am wondering if someone could look at my workflow and let me know if it looks right. I did post this in the Adobe forum but have yet to get a response. Thanks..

I edit the master sequence in Premiere CS6
I then group the entire sequence and REPLACE WITH AFTER EFFECTS COMP
In After Effects CS6 I work in 16bit and do all my coloring and effects.
Going back into Premiere I now have a Premiere Sequence that is ready to be mastered out.

Does this look right to everyone?

Adrian Tan
February 2nd, 2015, 12:45 PM
Looks good to me, but I don't know that much about AE. I'm pretty sure that if you work in 16 bit in AE, you'll preserve some of that detail even if you output to 8 bit.

In terms of rendering times, I don't know. It might be better to not convert the entire thing to AE comp, but just the parts you want, and otherwise do as much within Premiere as possible. Worth a test...

Also, to be picky, I don't think you need to group everything. Just marquee select everything.