View Full Version : Headphone level/gain/volume

Markus Nord
February 1st, 2015, 10:17 AM

I've been trying to remember how to change the headphone level, but I can remember.
I've been searching the web, but no luck, I do remember a video on Vimeo about the release of the firmware and lean HDMI. They talked about how to feed the Ninja 2 from the headphone jack, but now I can't find it...

Anyone know how to change the audio out level?

Edit: 5D3

Markus Nord
February 4th, 2015, 02:51 AM
found it!

How to get sound from the Canon 5D Mk III to the Ninja 2 on Vimeo

The way you change the volume is:

in videomode, press "Q", hold "RATE" and tab the multicontroller, you need to tab it multipel times (up or down) to change, by holding it will not change.