View Full Version : UWOL "get together" event 2016?

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Mick Jenner
September 20th, 2016, 02:31 AM
Hi Trond, I'm on FB as Michael Jenner. If you search FB you should find me and can then send a friend request. My profile picture is that of my wife and granddaughter!

Trond Saetre
September 20th, 2016, 02:34 AM
Sent you a friend request, Mick.

Vishal Jadhav
October 1st, 2016, 09:20 AM
Its gonna be a interesting even, meeting some of the UWOL members would be so much fun.

I registered for the Attenborough interview, finally i would be able to see the man i have heard for so many years and that too in person, i am absolutely ecstatic .
Guess the booking of it got over in a hour or so, no doubt there would be so many folks who would love to attend this one for sure.

Kevin Railsback
October 1st, 2016, 10:58 AM
I texted Karina as soon as they opened up registration so that we both could go.

Chris Hurd
October 4th, 2016, 01:37 PM
How many of you total now? Is it six? Or seven?

Kevin Railsback
October 4th, 2016, 01:40 PM
I think like 8 if you count Mat and significant others

Chris Hurd
October 4th, 2016, 02:07 PM
Significant others! *slapping forehead* Of course! Thanks Kevin,

Trond Saetre
October 4th, 2016, 02:08 PM
Haven't heard from Mat yet, but hopefully we find him anyway.

Chris Hurd
October 4th, 2016, 02:56 PM
What I have to send on to you folks is in two regular ziplock bags, and fairly light in weight. Just a question of whether Kevin has room to pack them or if I should ship directly to the UK.

Kevin Railsback
October 4th, 2016, 03:25 PM
If you can get them to me on Thursday then go ahead and ship them to me. I'm leaving Friday so if it's not possible to get here by Thursday then ship then to the UK in care of the Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel.

You can either make it to my attention since I'll be there Saturday or if it's cheaper make it to Trond's attention and ship it so it gets there like Monday or Tuesday.

Trond Saetre
October 4th, 2016, 03:47 PM
Both options sounds good for me.

Chris Hurd
October 5th, 2016, 08:53 PM
Package sent to Bristol Marriott, addressed to Trond (details to follow by email).

Trond Saetre
October 5th, 2016, 10:45 PM
Thanks a lot, Chris.

Mike Sims
October 6th, 2016, 06:04 AM
Godspeed UWOLers!

Here is wishing those of you traveling or about to travel safe but exciting journeys. I wish I could be with you. Please know that you are in my thoughts and have my best wishes, all.

Kevin Railsback
October 6th, 2016, 08:11 AM
Thanks Mike!
I take off tomorrow afternoon and will be there Saturday morning.
I would think since we are all filmmakers we should be able to keep you updated.

Maybe we will send you a virtual postcard! 😀

Trond Saetre
October 7th, 2016, 02:03 PM
Countdown in progress.
Still possible to get flight tickets and book your hotel if anyone wants to join us.
The more the better, and I can promise it will be fun!

Mat Thompson
October 7th, 2016, 02:25 PM
Hi guys.
Well youre all Bristol bound. Thats great.

I'll be down there next week but I'm working on an edit. My first 1 hour film on Black Rhino conservation in Zambia....and going well. We have a viewing with our SP and exec so a busy week but ill certainly catch you for lunch/dinner and a cold one!



Trond Saetre
October 7th, 2016, 02:34 PM
Mat, you will probably find us at the "Bag of Nails" pub at least one evening.
Btw, I have sent you an email through dvinfo earlier, and included my number there.
Also added you to our facebook chat group.

Kevin Railsback
October 7th, 2016, 10:33 PM
Saying good night to the US as we continue to head East

Ronald Jackson
October 8th, 2016, 04:31 AM
Yanks attendees well in the money what with Sterling nose-diving. Suspect similar with USD when/if a new President seems likely!


Kevin Railsback
October 10th, 2016, 10:11 AM
Some great panel discussions going on here at Wildscreen

Kevin Railsback
October 10th, 2016, 02:14 PM
Team Norway finally arrived tonight so the whole group is now together

Have seen some great films and attended some really good panel discussions.

The Holy Grail of Filmmaking was a great panel discussion about making films that follow your passion.
One of my favorites was Bear Trek. It is currently looking for distribution but this looks to be a great film.

There was also one from Columbia that looks beyond stunning. I will try to find more about that one.

Racing Extinction and The Ivory Game were both beautiful but depressing as well. Thankfully Racing Extinction provided hope by giving some suggestions on one thing we can do to make a difference.

Giving up one meal of meat a week is about the same as taking over 7 million cars off the road if we all would do it.

Some amazing stuff and it's so nice to be surrounded by like minded filmmakers.

The town of Bristol has rolled out the red carpet for us and there is even a beer made just for the festival.

For some reason I'm getting a security token errors when trying to upload pictures of hat's happening over here. Will keep trying.

Kevin Railsback
October 11th, 2016, 03:56 AM
A great panel discussion about making films that follow your passion.
Very inspiring!

Bryce Comer
October 11th, 2016, 08:13 AM
Thank you very much for the updates on the festival. It all sounds fantastic, & i wish i was there too!!
Please keep up the posts.

Trond Saetre
October 11th, 2016, 09:23 AM
When we have the next get together event, hopefully more of you get a chance to join in.
It is great to finally meet the gang after so many years. Everyone so nice and friendly.

It is now 10 years since UWOL was being planned, and the very first challenge was in January 2007.
We will not wait that long until next time we get together!

Kevin Railsback
October 11th, 2016, 05:11 PM
Met Patrick Rouxel this evening at Wildscreen.
Had a chance to view his new film "Life is One" which was both funny and sad. What an amazing person that gives up his life for the sun bears.

If you're not sure who he is, he also made the film "Green" which you can see for free on YoTube. Be warned, it will break your heart and make you very angry.

The group minus Vishal who was feeling under the weather, all met at Bag of Nails at the end of the evening to relax and most importantly to see the cats!

Bag of Nails is a pub that also houses like 14 cats that have the run of the place. What an amazing place!

Another round of films and discussions tomorrow!

Trond Saetre
October 12th, 2016, 05:22 AM
A couple pictures are posted by Kevin on the uwol facebook page.

Kevin Railsback
October 12th, 2016, 05:43 AM
I'll try to post more there since I'm having trouble posting here.
I'll also try to give some impressions about the festival

Kevin Railsback
October 14th, 2016, 04:08 AM
The first UWOL get together is starting to come to an end.
We now have faces to put with the filmmakers we've known for as long as ten years.

This was also my first major film festival that I've attended and now I'm seriously thinking about attending the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival next September.

Wish it was possible to pst photos here as I've documented our trip very well. Maybe I'll take the photos and make a virtual postcard. :)

We all felt that we should have future get togethers and we encourage everyone to come if you are able.
There is something magical about meeting like minded filmmakers in the nature and wildlife genre.

The number one thing I came away with being here for Wildscreen is to shoot what you are passionate about.

Don't worry about how long it takes or how much it costs. Follow your passion.

Bear Trek took eight years to complete and from the trailer I've seen looks amazing.

Most of the other films that I was very impressed with all took several years to complete.

I think the fact that we complete films in under a month is an amazing feat and I think it allows us to make the most of a situation when it unfolds in front of us.

Follow your passion, get out there and shoot and we'll see you at the next UWOL get together!

Geir Inge
October 15th, 2016, 02:42 AM
So nice feedback from the "Get Together event in 2016".
Sorry I had to change the trip, but maybe next time I will participate :)
Would have been nice if you had pictures to show, not everyone is on FB.
You're a lovely bunch.

Trond Saetre
October 15th, 2016, 04:08 AM
We were unable to upload pictures here. Therefore we used the uwol facebook page instead.
Still not sure why we had issues here, but both Kevin and Vishal tried.

Kevin Railsback
October 15th, 2016, 01:46 PM
Tried every day to upload from my phone and laptop both.
Either failed outright or had a security token error.

I've had issues for years trying to upload images here.
Probably one out of thirty or so succeed

Geir Inge
October 16th, 2016, 07:19 AM
I also had problem with uploading pictures, but it worked out when I shrunk the files.

Kevin Railsback
October 16th, 2016, 07:26 AM
Tried making jpegs less than the maximum width with no luck.
Small photos from my phone don't work either.

I'll try to write a review if Wildscreen on my website and link it here with a bunch of pics

Geir Inge
October 16th, 2016, 08:11 AM
..... I'll try to write a review if Wildscreen on my website and link it here with a bunch of pics

Very kind of you to do so, Kevin :)

Trond Saetre
October 16th, 2016, 09:27 AM
Same results for me. I tried to upload pictures of various file- and dimension sizes today. All unable.
Looks like an error with the forum or the upload function.

Kevin Railsback
October 16th, 2016, 10:06 AM
Can you look into this for us?
I just as a rule never try to upload images to Dvi because it almost never works.
Would probably get more traffic if people were able to post images of what they're doing and seeing.

Also, thank you for the swag!
The lens pen is particularly useful for me.
I've tried a lot of cleaning solutions for keeping my lenses clean and the lens pen works the best for me!

Also, the laser pointer came in handy at Bag of Nails interacting with the cats.

Team UWOL also participated in a 4 round trivia challenge at Bag of Nails. On the line were eight pints of beer for the winner. While we ended up buying your own drinks, Team UWOL didn't place last! :)

Trond Saetre
October 16th, 2016, 10:23 AM
Yes, the laser pointer was a huge hit with the cats! :) Team UWOL got the most attention that evening. Fun fun!
Agreed Kevin, the lense brush works very well.

Thanks again, Chris!

Geir Inge
October 16th, 2016, 01:24 PM
I have no problems uploading files at 650 kb. Just uploaded an image at wonders and woes.

Trond Saetre
October 16th, 2016, 02:43 PM
This is a picture from the salon/ dining room onboard the world's oldest steam powered ship, the SS Great Britain from 1843.
Now the ship is in a dry dock in Bristol, and turned into a museum.

Edit: File size 1.6MB.
Did exactly the same as when previously attempts to upload pictures. Not sure why it works fine now and not before.